

The Escape

to the

World of Gothic


             Yeah, if you're wondering.. I'm one of those crazy Gothic children mother's fear, actually my own mother fears my gothicness. She seems to not like it much, I have no idea why on earth though <smile>. See if mom knew how me and my friends dressed when we went out to clubs, (the few times we do) or other places she would probably freak. Now, speaking of freak, we do not particularly like being called Freaks, because we are just a bunch of kids that feel more comfortable being different. Ok, maybe A Lot different.

           And through my time on the internet, I've found many good Gothic Links and so there's a listing of a few. Most of them have many going off of them. So please don't get lost and miss the rest of my site.


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 The Children of the Night

 The Land of Linkage

 The Realm of Spirits