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Elekar of House Barron:

My persona, Elekar, has long been a favorite character of mine. I first created her when I was fourteen years old for a game of Dungeons and Dragons. For that purpose, she was a Magic User, and I played her for nearly ten years. Now she is a retired sage residing in Greyhawk with her husband and children. I still bring her out of retirement when the need rises, and frequently play her as an NPC whenever I get the chance.

At the role playing site of Realms of Imagination, Elekar is an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. Born and raised in the outskirts of Caemlyn, she and her family humbly rule the small lands in service to the Queen. It has been a tradition in the House of Barron for their women to train at the White Tower in Tar Valon; and for those showing the spark with the One Power, to be raised to Aes Sedai if capable. Elekar and her younger sister, Bronwyn had both showed the spark and were found worthy enough to be raised to the position of Aes Sedai.

Shortly after her raising, news of her father's illness had brought her back home. He died shortly after, leaving no heirs but his two daughters. The estate was left in the hands of the Barron's lawyers until Elekar felt capable of overseeing the estate herself.

Elekar is now working as a Healer for the White Tower. With her warder, Dael, she seeks out new ways to better serve mankind.

Elekar's Journey Through The Arches
"Resolve to be thyself; and know that he,

Who finds himself, loses his misery!" - Matthew Arnold

The Woman Behind The Mask:

Real Name: Rachelle M. Bradley.
Handle: Elekar of House Barron. Pronounced (ELL EH CAR).
DOB: 3/15/73
Gender: Female.
Home: California, USA.
Marital Status: Married.
Occupation: Homemaker/Freelance Writer.
Interests/Hobbies: Writing, reading, computers, role-playing games, video games, herbalism, European arms and armour, medieval history, archery, and anything fantasy!
Pets: Three cats (Aldrin, Kora and Nero).
Religion/Faith: Don't ask.
Favorite Colors: Black (though it's not a color), royal blue, dark purple and emerald green.
Favorite Music: Celtic, Classical (Early), New Age, Jazz, Country, Blues, Opera, Classic Rock, Alternative Rock, pretty much anything but Rap.
Favorite Authors: Robert Jordan, Douglas Adams, Terry Goodkind, JRR Tolkien, and Larry McMurtry (one of these things is not like the other).
Favorite Books: The Bible, Wheel of Time Series, and Lonesome Dove, to name a few.
Favorite Movies: In no particular order - Braveheart, Star Wars series, Ladyhawke, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, Legend, Wilder Napalm, Raising Arizona, Romancing the Stone, and The Princess Bride.
Favorite Current TV Shows: Xena! Warrior Princess, X-Files, ER, Fraiser and Jeopardy!
Favorite Actors: Harrison Ford, Humphrey Bogart, Meg Ryan, and Kathleen Turner.
Favorite Food: Veggies.
Favorite Animals: Cats (and Dragons).
Favorite Sports: Archery, bike riding (not cycling, I'm not that good), and of course, video games!
Favorite Past-times: Besides reading and writing - computers & Internet, video games (Final Fantasy Series!), role-playing games, sewing, and herbalism.
Favorite Quote: "Fiction gives us a second chance that life denies us." -Paul Theroux, in New York Times.

Photos (for the bored and curious).
Playing around with my graphics program

This is a photograph of me which I altered in Paint Shop Pro.

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