Thanx for visiting. In this page you will find a lot of information on PoKéMoN. There are Gold/Silver Previews and screenshots, cheats, and PoKéMoN emulator/rom images. Mail me if you have any questions~~

Preview of Gold Ver.
Ordering PokéMoN Games
On the right there are some

PoKéMons which Ash has.

He has Bulbaasaur, Squirtle,

Charizard, PrimeApe, Butterfree

, and Muk. He got the Togepi

Egg, but Misty takes it because

Togepi thinks Misty as its mom.

Until Now... In the Bulbasaur's

Mysterious Garden Episode,

Bulbasaur decides not to

evolve, the ivysaurs were suck

-ed up by Team Rockets, but

Ash's Bulbasaur Rescues Them.

Last updated June 20th, 1999