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The purpose of playing a role-playing game is quite simple: to have fun being somebody you are not.

To get in the mood of being somebody you aren't, it helps if you are dressed for the part. It not only helps you feel the part, it helps others to relate to your character.

Now, with summer coming on we're not expecting Ventrue to wear 3-piece wool suits. However, it's difficult to role-play with a character who is supposed to be a well-heeled Ventrue when the player is dressed in torn shorts and a faded t-shirt.

Make an effort.
A little imagination goes a long way.
Use common sense.

This also applies to equipment that a character carries on her person. Imagine a character saying, "I'm carrying a machine gun, 2 changes of clothing, a laptop computer, and an occult library."

Right. And what's in your other pocket?

Here are some guidelines:

  1. Weapons -- All weapons must have Prop Cards. Physical representations are not allowed.
  2. Laptop computers -- May be represented by a notebook, such as a three-ring binder. It must be something that you can't just put in your back pocket but must be carried around in-game. However, you are free to leave it lying around somewhere...
  3. All other things -- The possible equipment a player can conceive of is much more extensive then any list we could create. Ask the ST Staff about it; if they approve, get a Prop Card made for it. We encourage physical representation of non-weapon objects. Again, use common sense.

Website design by delnoche, copy 1999.
Updated 12March2000 by Marj