This is the movie that started it all.I've seen so many times i can almost act it out from start to finish.Im only going to give you a summary though, because i don't want to give away anything.if you do want a full summary though look for it in a up coming page.This movie is about 4 teenage kids who learn that there all having the same dream.They are all dreaming about an ugly dude who wears a out of style red and green sweater,has a knived glove on his right hand,And his face looks like hes been in the bath tub for to long.He runs funny and isn't the type of guy you bring home to mother. Soon he starts picking out the teenagers one by one leaving only Nancy.who learns that her mother set fire to the pure inocent phsycopathic murder.Now nancy most face freddy in her dream.Im not gonna spoil the end cause i think i already spoiled a few things.

Catch Frase of this movie:

Don't fall asleep........


go here (don't read unless you don't care if it spoils it for you)

Main Charecters

Nancy=heather langercamp
Freddy Krueger=Robert englund
Nancy's Dad=John Saxon
Nancy's Mom=Ronee Blackey
Glen=Johnny Depp

Trivia questions

1: What is the last thing the student in nancy's class said?
2: What color is nancy's water pillow?
3: which hand does freddy have the glove on?
4: what does rod use to make the sounds of freddys claws?

Trivia Answers

1: "For if i not that i have bad dreams......"
2: Blue
3: His right
4: A gardening tool

The script

The first script


Freddy making his glove
"The freddy phone"
Freddy under the stairs

If you have any questions comments or any pictures your willing to fork over email me

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