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Quotes from "Shikasta" first book in the "Canopus In Argos" series by Doris Lessing.

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"But first I shall set down my recovered memories of my visit to Shikasta, then Rohanda, in the First Time, when this race was a glory and a hope of Canopus..."

"The planet was for millions of years one of a category of hundreds that we kept a watch on. It was regarded as having potential because its history had always been one of sudden changes, rapid developments, as rapid degradations, periods of stagnation. Anything could be expected of it..."

"...the Substance-of-We-Feeling..."

"Shikastans spend a good part of their time being surprised at each other's behaviour and commenting on it. This is partly because their knowledge in the area they categorise as "psychological" is faulty, and partly because they do not apply what they do know."

"How could it be otherwise on poor Shikasta, in its extremity, at the end of the long processes that have brought it to such a shameful state?"

"But again, very often not: and the people involved may later say to themselves, to each other, of that time they experienced as difficult, or painful almost beyond bearing, or mistaken: 'What a lot I learned then! I wouldn't have missed it for worlds!'"

First published in 1979 the newly released Canopus In Argos: Archives (complete series in one book) is available now at Amazon.com.

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