You must have read the rules for this guild to be able to join. You must also agree to the rules. Other than that, just email me with all of the information below. I will get your name on the members page as soon as posible. I am noy emailing out the trainer any more because it is alway getting out dated. So go to my members page and you can go to the place where i get it. BoBaFeTT's page. Thank you.

  1. Your first Name, Last initial.
  2. Your character name.
  3. your character class and level.
  4. Who you were recuited by if not me.
  5. Any Suggestions or comments.
  6. where your from.
  7. Your email Address.
  8. Your ICQ if you have one.
  9. And at that time,Email me
If you have any questions about anything Email me