December 27, 1999

More than a few days, huh? at least the SC 600 600 review is up.

About 10 hrs after that last update, I noticed that my counter was at 1300 or so, and I had set it to 1400 a while back. I would strongly recomend that anyone with a fastcounter to change counters.

Yet another update, I moved the last updated part to the top of the main page so those of you with lower resolutions don't have to deal with that ugly scroll bar between frames.

December 19, 1999

Okay, I admit I've been lazy. Expect the next update which will be the SC 600 review, and maybe a few more reviews in 1-2 days. For your enjoyment, I have compiled a list of my future systems And that's all. Expect the next update in a few days.
November 27, 1999

Updated the about me page, with all (I think) of my video game systems.

I won't be updating this page for a few weeks, due to the holidays, and also because I just got a new Playstation (got Crash team racing with it, if you need to know) and will be playing that for awhile..

November 23, 1999

Just added the SC power pack review. still more to come.
November 19, 1999

I added a new quizlet, the last one was answered by 60 people (yaay)
November 17, 1999

I noticed (actually ssw did, thanks) that my counter was at 8, and became extremely pissed off. maybe it was an error over at link exchange, or maybe we have a saboteur. In any case, I changed the password, and removed the link, so hahaha (hehehe) hohoho

IF this kind of shit happens again, I'll know who to spam...

November 16, 1999

redid the 1000review. It appears that the previous attempt at making a 1000 review turned out lame.

In other news, if you feel that a review sucks, or there's some sort of error on my page, don't hesitate to email me at DO NOT use the guest book for that purpose, because I rarely check it. If you don't know where the guest book is, just click on contact on the left hand side to access it.

November 11, 1999

What's the first thing you notice that's new on the menubar on the left? That's right, reviews at the low low price of absolutely nothing. There's only 3 up now, but I'll be fininshing more up pretty soon.
October 29, 1999

Updated several things, but still lots more work to go. <bad excuse> I had lots of homework, and school got in the way.
</bad excuse>
  1. added a ti calculators linking section to the linkspage
  2. changed some things of the about mepage

Still many more updates to go. I am now writing the reviews for all the guns I own, and planning the new site design. don't expect a radical change, but some changes will be made.
October 1, 1999

updated my links, added *s to pages I like, took down pages that are no longer there

after several emails sent to softrazor and no response, I have decided to take down the webring graphic (he never put me on the ring)

September 25, 1999

added the Aquatica graphic to my main page
September 21, 1999

updated the about me page, with information about graphing calculators. yes, I know, nerd...
September 15, 1999

Added the about mepage.. come check it out
September 5, 1999

changed the html for the sidebar. apparently it got changed somehow and the links image no longer showed up
August 30, 1999

added super soaker tags they can be found in the images page
August 23, 1999

added the blue ribbon internet free speach thingie to my main page I'd appreciate it if you join
August 20, 1999

added my super soakers and broken super soakers
links updated
August 16, 1999

Not much, really. added the MIB alliance pic to the bottom of the main page
August 15, 1999

This glorius section is added to my page
August 11, 1999

A chat with aar2005's sister revealed how much she hates supersoakers see it here
A few months ago... (around june)

Idea for making a supersoaker page thought up.... noice...
may 23, 1998

This whole moronic thing was thought up, the whole web page... ahh I still remember that I only knew 2 html tags... brings back memories...