In a stretch of forest that is quite distant from the Evil Empire, you chance upon

The Entrance of Brocc's Sett

The clearing where it is located seems to be a pleasant enough place (to Brocc, at least - or else he wouldn't have chosen to have his dwelling here, would he?)
The clearing About Brocc himself? Mebbe. Write to Brocc Astral Gate Eeeek. Knot In The Web There's always the sun. What is this?

To your right, you observe the notorious Knot In The Web . In the background, there is that old old Dragon Warriors Astral Gate that would look rather cobwebbed if only the spiders could reach it. The trees to your left seem to hide something, but you wouldn't want to find out about that now, would you.
Although nothing looks changed at first sight, there is a vague feeling of activity and change about the place. Things seem to be happening; you wonder what it might portend?

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