Welcome to Slappers Only!!™

(formerly Online Discombobulation!)

Thank you for dropping by. Today, we have a large assortment of wondrous stuff all wrapped up in this nice neat little bundle of a webpage. Slappers Only!! is dedicated to the wholesale and proliferation of various video games(which means we like to play all sorts of crazy console games). Right now we are composed of four core members and have dedicated our space to only two games: Goldeneye 007 for the N64, and Twisted Metal 2 for the Playstation. Right now, Slappers Only!! is made up of four core members. Anyone can join in the fun for various reviewing, previewing, and other activites. Just email me.

Now on to the Show!!!


Pick your Destiny!

The Goldeneye Fan Club and assorted goodies Twisted Metal Tips and Review

Goldeneye and Twisted Metal chat!!!



"and now a word from our sponsors..."

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I hope that you have enjoyed your stay at Slappers Only!!, and tune in next week same bat-time, same bat-channel! E-mail your questions, suggestions, quotes, comments, furry animals, and custodians right here
©1998, copyright of Slappers Only!!, Slappers Only!!™ are trademarksof Slappers Only!!, all depictions, pictures, characters, and likeness thereof are trademarks of their respective corporations.

Any similarity of characters and events, described in the website, to real people and/or actual events is purely by chance and fictionous!

I am not held responsible for harm or injury that this site has inflicted. Furthermore, I will not compensate any persons that have disagreed wit' anything displayed on this website, and will not give fluffy bunnies to any minor!

This page has been updated as of Dec 31, 1997, 1:17 a.m.(HST)

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