AceViper's Game Page
Internet Link Exchange
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Hey it's AceViper!! I've got a new domain! Visit

now!!!!!! Hey you're the person to view my web page!!!


-Added more cheats for TONS of new games to the Cheat Code Section + added a Previous update section!(6-13-97)

-I'm moving off geocities!! To a faster server, PLUS i will have more space to include more cheats! I should be moved by the end of July, hopefully sooner, check back every week or so, or email me for more details.(7-3-97)

-Well we have had another delay, the server is now set to be up the second week of august :( the good news is once it is up the server will have MANY MANY changes and updates! Including more cheats and new sections(7-18-97)

-I am having MAJOR MAJOR delays in the moving process, it could be a while :(, today i updated my favorite game choice. (9-9-97)

-The new server should be up 9-26-97, and the site should be up that day, or a day or two later! Check back then, for the NEW address!!! (9-19-97)



CHEATS on TONS of COOL games

CHEAT programs

My picks of COOL games

My opinion on my picks

Please take a minute to fill out my survey!

Dates on upcoming releases

My vote for the favorite game(at this time)

YOUR pick for your favorite game....VOTE NOW!!!!!!


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