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Take a look at my big list of Knight Rider sites.
Here is another site that is all about that classic computer game called PSI 5 Trading Company. (Which is what my PSI 5-2 game is a sequel of, by the way.)
A brief bit about my self.
Check out my extremely outdated listings of games that I currently own.
Postings about this site.
E-Mail replies I have received about making games from famous game companies.

Sign Guestbook.
I have recently added a Guestbook to my site. (Thanks to one of GeoCities many tools.) (Now, maybe, I'll drop all the e-mail links. (He, he.))
View Guestbook.
Or, you can click here to View my Guestbook. (Though, it is probobly quite empty as of this time.)

Hello. You are visitor number to this page since sometime back in 1996. Thank you for your time in reading this script.

If you would like, you can E-Mail me at

This page was last rewritten on January 29, 2005, in order to comply with GeoCities "update your site" thing.