Armando's RPG Center

Public Center: Bulletin Board, Adventures and Accessory Files.

Game Center Articles: Articles we write on RPG Games and Products.

Dragon Art: My Dragon Art Collection.

Links: link to other RPG related sites.

Nachos Wind Temple: Anime, video games and such.

Center Chat Room: Come in and talk to other people in this Java Chat Room!

The Bookstore: Order from a great selection of books for AD&D and Fantasy Novels.

Center Opinion: Give us your opinoin on the page and how we can make it better.

You are visitor No. since October 25, 1997.

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Hello and welcome to my RPG Page! The page was last updated on: Monday, March 30, 1998. and is usually updated every week.
Page News
Information on changes and special notes are posted here.
May 06, 1998
New host name for ARPGC. Now instead of writing the complete geocities name you can enter using Isn't that much easier? Try it and see!
Feburary 2, 1998
Dragon Art Gallery Room 2 is now created and open with 3 new dragon pictures. Visit it!
Janurary 22, 1998
The Center's Chat Room has been registered and has been installed. The Java Chat room can be used to talk to other visitors.
Janurary 8, 1998
The official mailing list is on-line. To subscribe just send a message to with the subject of SUBSCRIBE. To subscribe to the digest version of the mailing list send a message to with the subject of DIGEST SUBSCRIBE

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