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On this page you will find tips and cheats to allow your-self to compete at the highest level of the game. Take a closer look and feel free to copy any pics or save my zip files to disk for your own personal use.I would like it though if you wanted to creat your own homepage and wanted to use my links please E-mail my first or else I will find out and will not be very happy because it took me ages to find these. If you do E-mail me I will let you copy them. REMEMBER THIS ONLY APPLIES IF YOU WANT TO USE THE PATCH FOR YOUR OWN HOMEPAGE.

About The Game Theme Hospital

Theme Hospital is a strategy game based on creating your own hospital. This is purely a break from the sort of games like beat them up's and full out action games. The point of Theme Hospital is to creat a hospital from scratch!! and turn it into a wonderful pleasant place for your customers to be. As you get more involved in the game later on you will be able to research new rooms and find out about new diseases which your patients come in with. This is all well until you get people with epidemics in your hospital who are not cured quickly will sepead the disease around the whole of your hospital. So if they are not treated quick you will have a lot of sick people to deal with.

Pregnant Woman

When Theme Hospital first came out Bullfrog were thinking of putting pregnant woman into the game as another patiant and also to put a bit mor interest into the game. In the end they did not have anoth time to put them in but look what I have here the patch which gives you this pleasure.

All you have to do is to click on the address below then click on save to disk and save it into your Theme Hospital levels!! directory. Then when it is completed all you have to do is to unzip the patch again into your THEME HOSPITAL LEVELS!!!directory and you are from then on away enjoy.


Having difficulty winning on certain levels??. Here is how to solve those problems, CHEAT!!!!. These cheats will help you compete at the highest levels of the game.

Epidemic gone

1. After the Epidemic button appear at button of the screen. 2.IMMEDIATELY save your game. Do not press the Epidemic Button. 3. Exit game (to DOS or Windows 95) 4. Run game and Restore you saved game and you still see the Epidemic button. After you press the Epidemic button it will disappear and Epidemic will not appear anymore while on this level. You need to do it again on the next level to get rid of Epidemics there.


Enter the following cheats on the fax machine screen. Then when done press the green button to enable.

7287 sends you to the rat shooting level upon successful completion of the current level.

24328 enables the in game cheats. you can now enter the following codes:

CTRL+C: completes all research.

F11: unsuccessfully completes the game.

F12: successfully completes the game.

SHIFT-C: gives ten thousand dollars.

Looking for more pictures???


Looking for the Theme Hospital Demo???? Well here it is just downlaod it but watch out it is 12.2mb

Theme Hospital Demo


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