Kubikiri Basara's Homepage

Born in the month of November 1997, last updated on 16th Jul 2001.

What's up with me recently :
Finally back but i dont for long, just changed a bit of things, so that u people know i am still alive. The votes results are all erased because of com problems, but pls do support the page, i will update as soon as possible this time.

New Things :
16th Jul)A bit of changes. Go to the votesto recast ur votes again.
21th Jan)It is alright for a new beginning. Go to the votesto recast ur votes again.
16th Jul)A new start on the votes, news on KOF 2000, deletion of the cheat pages plus some more...
20th Mar)The SS Vote results and KOF Vote results r out.
2nd Jan)The SS Vote results r out.

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Send me an email in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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You are the to join the spirit world.

This webpage is totally a non-profit site. It is mainly for information and entertainment. If i have put up something that shouldnt be here (copyrights problems), or that u think that it is illegal or maybe u will like u name to be mentioned beside the things u contributed, please tell me and i will solve the thing as soon as possible. Most of the things found here by created by me, except when specified. Nothing can be reproduced or taken without my permission.

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