Mario 64

Key Points

Released September 30, 1996
Adventure Game
1 player
64 megabits
Made by Nintendo

Mario 64 is about when Peach (The Princess) gets kidnapped by Bowser again! He seals off the palace doors with stars, and only Mario can save Peach and unseal all the castle doors.

This is the first game for Nintendo 64, and it is one of the best. There are 70 stars to collect (You can get all 120 to see Yoshi) to get to the final Bowser, and 15 main courses with many sub-courses. There are also many various moves (about 32) that Mario can do using the control stick.

There are 6 stars per main course including on for getting 100 coins. There are also extra stars in hidden courses. There are three Bowser levels including the final one. The levels take place inside paintings in the castle. To move on to harder courses, you have to collect a certain amount of stars. The many levels take place in the desert, sea, volcano, air, ghosthouse, etc. There are also certain special caps to collect which allow you to fly, turn to metal, or be invisible for a short time.

This game is a very comprehensive one that takes time to master (by getting all 120 stars).

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