False Tears

Last Updated: Thursday, Novemver 9, 2000


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Tears. I wonder why they decided to hide themselves from me. Yes, I did
shed tears as the Digimon Emperor, although I'm sure many may find it hard to 
believe. But, the tears that I had shed, they were no longer of joy and 
sorrow. They were of hatred and jealousy.

Motomiya. When he wounded my pride, I cried. Not because I was sad, but because Motomiya was one of my enemies, and he had embarrassed me. I made sure to repay him in kind; Jealousy.

When Wormmon "died" for lack of a better term, I cried. But, even then, those tears were not for Wormmon. They were selfish tears meant only for myself; Hatred.

How could I have let things go so far ? How could I have thought of this, all of this, as a game ? Was the pain and suffering my victims felt real ? Was the pleasure that I derived from practically controlling a whole world real ? Yes, it was.

How could I have not seen it ? Was my heart so dark ? No, it was not. Only disillusioned by my need for attention and selfish want for others to feel my pains. Darkness ? I never even came close.

I'm not sure if I can continue any longer. I'm glad that I have had the good fortune to look back on myself with clearer eyes, but now that time is over and I most not dwell on it. The future is what's important now.

And as I write this, the emotions of my soul, I realize that I am crying. No, these tears aren't false. They're real.

My true tears are finally back. They no longer need to hide.

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