Monster World


Jyou the lame

This is a original story. Everything here is copyrighted by me unless I say otherwise. so don't take or use anything unless you ask me first. This is just meant for fun. Enjoy!

"Ready, Set, Go!"

Hello. I don't know how this happened. I guess I have amnesia or something. The only thing I can remember that this is not my world. "Kill the boy now!" The big one screeched. I guess he's the leader. Oh yeah, he's a giant lizard. A giant talking lizard. A angry, giant talking lizard. A angry, giant, talking lizard who can breathe fire. My heart felt like it was going to explode. I've never had to run this much in my whole life! Bullies are one thing, but a herd of dinosaurs is another. "Kill him! Kil him!" The leader screenched. This guy has a one track mind. Maybe I should fight. Yeah, and get charred. I've read comic books before. I saw Volcano. Melting isn't exactly the way I want to go. "Kill the boy!" I've had it.

"Shut up!"

I scream shrilly at the top of my lungs. They stoped. And stared. And laughed. And started breathing fire. Again. I hid behind a rock. My only sanctuary.

"You are in quite a jam, my young apprentice."

My body stiffened and I stared in the direction of the voice. An old whiskered, wheezy geezer stared at me. He was outfitted in many robes of green and his skin was tanned. He had a beard that looked older then he was and an odd smile on his face like he was always knew what was going on. He carried an old bag that was worn and dirty.

"Your wondering what your doing here?"

I nodded. "Yes, I do." It was a kind of dumb response.I felt stupid.

"Your not stupid, boy."

I jumped. He read my mind. He knew everything I was thinking. I frowned.

"Okay, I'll never read your mind again. Maybe. Relax. Don't give me that look. I'll tell you everything you want to know, but first you have a job to do." The old man smelt like old spice.

"What job?"

He grinned and raised his cane into the air.


Next thing I knew I was underground. "What happened?" He showed his pearly whites. "Haven't you ever heard of teleportation?" I sighed.

"You didn't answer me earlier."

"I didn't?"

"No, you didn't."

"What was the question?"

"Weren't you paying attention!"

"To what?"

"To what I said before we teleported!"

"Uh, no. Please call me Tovar, I don't like being referred to as being old."

"Fine. Just answer my question."

"What question?"


He chuckled and patted me on the back. "You'll see. You should probably go back up there and take care of all those Zilla's. Here." The old man handed me an old sack. It looked like a book bag. "Stop staring at it like that. It's not you dinner."

I put my hands into the sack. There was something in it. It was cold. Maybe some kind of metal. "They are yours for protection. The gauntlets of Tovar!" What? "The gauntlets of Tovar?" I pulled them out. There were two of them. Gold with five razors on each. They looked pretty heavy. "You can pick them up. They are yours." To my surprise he was right! I could pick them up! They were actually pretty light now that I thought about it.

"Now the Zilla's." And with a single gesture I was off.


"I don't see the boy, Captain!"

The Zilla yelled back to his superior. "He has to be around he somewhere. It's not like he could just vanish into thin-" The Zilla was cut off as Helmut landed on him.

"Well, well, well. Looks like we won't have to go back empty handed after all. Perhaps I should introduce my self." The reptile bowed awkwardly. "We are the Zilla army working for the Dark Council. You may call me God Zilla. Good bye." God Zilla spat a ball of fire the size of a soccer ball at Helmut.

"Hey! Wait!" Helmut covered his eyes and waited to be burnt. All he felt was a little push.

"Eh?" God Zilla would have raised an eyebrow if he had one. "How could this be."

Helmut opened his eyes. He was still alive? How? He looked at his hands and smiled. God Zilla froze in fear. "The gauntlet of Tovar!" "Guantlet? Oh yeah, gauntlet!" Helmut stood up.

"So you like picking on defenseless people, huh? Let's see how you like this!" Helmut launched himself at God and punched him in the stomach. God collapsed and his body spasmed violently. Helmut looked at God's body and noticed that he hadn't just punched him! He had impaled him! He froze. The smell of blood fresh on the gauntlets.

The other Zilla's backed away in fear. "God is dead!" One Zilla spoke. Most likely second in command. "Retreat!" The Zilla's ran and Helmut just stared. One minute he was on Earth and the next he had killed a dinosuar. He had taken a life. He heard clapping. Tovar smiled. "You did good today, but it's only the beginning."

Helmut's emotions were a mixture of fear and excitement.

"Only the beginning." He repeated.


Helmut walked down the road. If it could be called one. More like a strip of sand in a savana. Helmut stopped and looked at the sky. Maybe he was dreaming. Yeah, it's all a dream. Helmut was shook back to reality as the clouds began to take shape.

"Your not dreaming." Tovar smiled at him. "This is your destiny."

"Really?" The word destiny eased the pain of what was going to become his new life.

"That's my boy!" Tovar chuckled. "Now hurry up. Your about to meet you first ally."

"My first what?"

Before Helmut could question Tovar some more he heard something stop behind him.

"Need a lift."

A light, almost girlish voice addressed him. Helmut blushed. He was some what shy around girls and now was being offered a ride by one! He turned around and his face fell. She was a he! Not just a he, but a purple skinned, stoned studded, tanned tunic wearing he!

"I don't have all day. If you want a ride hop on the back"

Helmut looked at what the person was riding for the first time. It was a carriage. He probably was some kind of taxi. Things were getting weirder.


"So, where do you come from?" The grape man asked obviously trying to start a conversation.

"Um, here." If Helmut told him where he was really from he probably wouldn't know what he was talking about.

"The middle of nowhere?"


"Fine. What's your name?"

"Helmut. What's yours?"

"Boxson. Pleased to meet you." He extended his hand. Helmut shook it.

The rest of the ride they talked. Mostly Boxson talked and Helmut just pretended to understand what he was talking about. Boxson seemed like an educated man. Maybe he could help.

"Do you know anything about the Dark Council?"

Boxson nodded. "Yep. Their responsible for the black fog." Helmut blnked. Tovar hadn't mentioned that. Then again, there was a lot of things Tovar hadn't mentioned.

"What does the black fog do?"

Boxson laughed. "Your joking, right? The black fog isn't a thing, it's just a name. Black fog just means that ever since the Dark Council emerged it's almost like the world has been engulfed in some kind of unescapable evil."

"Aren't you worried?"

Boxson shook his dark haired head. "Nope. They don't mess with me and I don't mess with them. That's my philosophy. So where can I let you off?"

Helmut panicked. "Uh, anywhere will be fine." "Good because I need to stop and rest. Want to have lunch together?" Helmut smiled. This was going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.



"That'll be fifty gill."


Authors note: Chapter 2 will be out soon. Maybe even tomorrow. I got the story line idea from somewhere, but I'll let you figure it out.. I also got the idea of using gauntlets from somewhere. Guess.

© 1997 MightyArmadillo@Worldnet.ATT.Net

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