The Big Index!

Well, what I've got here for you is a quick reference list of all the Deadlands material, like Hexes, Miracles, Gizmos etc, conjured up on the various Websites that appear on my Links page...I'll try to keep it up to date. It also helps remind me of what's already on the 'net so I don't go copying anybody else's material...

This list is accurate up to the 2nd February '99


PA Posse
Luck O' The Draw
Pay Me No Mind
6th Bullet
Jury Rig
Monkey Wrench
The Good/Bad/Brash
Hidden Holster
High Noon In Hell
String 'Em High
Blaze Of Glory
Double Or Nuthin'
The Bullet Hole
Ace of Clubs
Ace of Diamonds
Ace of Flames
Ace of Flares
Ace of Floods
Ace of Hearts
Ace of Spades
Dangerous Dice
Dynamite Dice
Hoyles Hurricane
Jokers Wild
Long Arm O the Law
One-Eyed Jacks
Poker Face
Suicide King
Three of a Kind
Judges Den
Go Fish
Old Maid
Slap Jack
Marshal Lambert
Arcane Flames
Baleful Gaze
Blaze O' Glory
Confound Mechanism
Deep Breath
Earth Meld
Gloom 'N'N Doom
Hidey Hole
Invisible Wall
Light As A Feather
Many Tongues
Mirror Image
Misty Form
Phantom Quickload
Projecting Voice
Rum Punch
Shattering Blow
Sucker Punch
Unnatural Healin'
Withering Look
Steve Wallace's
Note. "C" = a Hex "Combo"
The Better Bushwacker(C)
The Can Opener(C)
Cool Breeze
Cut And Run
Dead Man's Card
Double Trouble
The Doubtin' Thomas(C)
Eyes Have It(C)
Fannin' The Flames
Gatling Gunner(C)
Iron Shirt
Makin' Money(C)
The Posse Planter(C)
Texas Terminator(C)
Two Fer the Price Of One
You're Out!
Executioners Hang
Astral Armour
Cactus Jack's
How the West Was Weird
Knock Knock
Will O Wisp
Suicide King


PA Posse
Gabriels Fire
Light of Day
The Blessin'
True Confession
Holy Water
Sword Of God
The Bullet Hole
David's Sling
Gift of Tongues
Kick Ass for the Lord
Knockin' on Heaven's Door
Lion's Den
Valley of Shadow
6th Bullet
Speak in Tongues
Lycaeons Scrollcase
Tom Cashman
Test of Faith
Cactus Jack's
Holy Sight
Marshal Lambert
Armour of God
Azrael's Blessing
Circle Of Protection
Divine Assistance
Divine Blessing
Divine Favour
Divine Guidance
Divine Intervention
Divine Protection
Divine Resurection
Divine Retribution
Fire Walker
Heroic Burden
Holy Sight
Holy Ward
Lord's Bounty
Mesmerising Sermon
Ray of Life
Rousing Hymn
Walk On Water
Official Deadlands Website
Consecrate weapon
Loaves 'N' Fishes
C.J.Charles' Website
Divine Warning
Lord's Touch of Pacifism
Executioners Hang
Words of God
Krakopop's Website
Create Food
Cure Disease
Holy Bolt
Stare of the True
Walk In Water


PA Posse
Clockwork Calliope Shotgun
Colt Spitballer
Pecos Toothpicks
Rocket Gun
Scatter Pistol
Steam Thrower
Winchester '73a
Graveyard Greg's
Fear Ammunition
Drakes Domain
Shotgun Shield
Steam Cycle
Weston Cylinder Shotgun
Chimney RandomBlaster
Epitaph Camera MkII
Mad Cow Disguise Kit
Pump Action Doombringer
Defiance Industries
"Ballistic" Rocket
Buzz Bomb
Double Barreled Pistol
F.A. Assault Karbine (AK76a)
Luftzer 1 Airplane
Panzer Tank
S.A. Assault Karbine (AK76)
S.A .45 Pistol
Sniper rifle
Krakopop's Website
Electrical Stunner
Mauser Semi Auto Combat Pistol
Spider Trap
The Multilathe
Official Deadlands Website
Clockwork Tarantula
Dynamite Rifle
Ghost Rock Lantern
Health Tonic
Leverage Bow
Mechanical Mule
Nail Gun
Palm Pistol
Steam Jackhammer
Last Stop on the Trail
Derringer Catapult
"Roomsweeper" Shotpistol
Executioners Hang
Peacemaker .50
Gas Sprayer
Scatter Pistol
Scatter Revolver
Lycaeons Scrollcase
Gyrocopter Backpack
"Snake" .50 Derringer
Steam Gatling Gun
Rocket Sled
Judges Den
Automatic Shotgun
Bows and Arrows
Electro Rod
Mechanical Body Parts
Nitro Grenade
The Bullet Hole
Anti Disabler Mask
Disabler Gun
Disabler Press
Hand Grenade
Pneumatic Dynamite Gun
Wind-up Detonators
The 6th Bullet
Armoured Carriage
Bullet Proof Cases
Bullet Resistant Underwear
Cyclo-Rotating Logic Separator
Flame Sprayer
Ice-Makning Machine
Owl Glasses
Shotgun Chair
Marshal Lambert
Clockwork Cavilcade
Clockwork Handbombs
Colt "Rapid Fire" .36
Desert Thumper Bomb
Explosive Shotgun Rounds
Flechette ammunition
Harmonica Carbine
Heat Vision Goggles
"Hey Presto" Lock-opener
Inflatable Trousers
Light Compensation Goggles
Light Grenade
Lightning Hurler
"Llnorse" Cocktail Globe
Magnificent Revolving Shotpistol
"Oregon" Logger
People Leveller
Silenced Sidearm (PP7)
Pump Action Shotgun
Rocket Flare
Safety Bullets
Shocker Unit
Spring Action Slug Thrower
Sniper Rifle
Telescopic Sight
Truth Juice
Vapour Dispensor
Wasatch Roket RailWagon

Rituals & Favours

Bane Arrow - Favour
Calm the Heart - Favour
Earthshine - Favour
Forked Tongue - Favour
Heed Forest - Favour
Hidden Brave - Favour
Hungry Earth - Favour
Ice Arrow - Favour
Spirit Block - Favour
Soul Fire - Favour
Undying Flame - Favour
Worm Curse - Favour
Last Stop on the Trail
Intangibility - Favour
Totems - New Edge
Lycaeon's Scrollcase
Smudge - Ritual
War Cry - Ritual
Dream Walk - Favour
Vigil - Ritual
Call Rains - Favour
Medicine Wheel - Ritual
Sweat Lodge - Ritual
How The West Was Weird
Flashfire - Favour
The Bullet Hole
Spirit Armour - Favour
Tom Cashman
Mud Servant - Favour
Official Deadlands Website
Spirit Armour - Favour
Executioners Hang
Mask - Ritual
Marshal Lambert
Blood Curse - Favour
Chant - Ritual
Cloudburst - Favour
Coup - Ritual
Curse Weapon - Favour
Fish in Water - Favour
Fool the Sun - Favour
Nature's Cloak - Favour
PowWow - Favour
Praire Grass - Favour
Sacrifice - Ritual
Smoke - Ritual
Soothing Dream - Favour
Totem - Ritual
Water Divine - Favour
White Horse - Favour


Tom Cashman
Daniel Boones hat
Pony Express Saddle
Stonewall Jacksons Coat
The Bullet Hole
General Lee's Saddle
Lucky Hat
Pickett's Sabre
Snakesin Boots
Spirit Skins
Twain's Pocket Watch
Diamond Jack
Gift Of Hoyle
Preachers Pistol
Steve Wallace's
Last Pony Express Rifle
Executioner's Hang
Peace Pipe
Breezer's Website
Crystal Skull
Drakes Domain
Dead Mans's Boots
Tom Smith's Badge
Alohi's Cloak
Allonque's Crystal
Andiciopec's Shirt
Apikunni's Stick
Atacokai's Necklace
Big Twisted Flute
Black Snake Bow
Buffalo Bill's Needle Gun
Daldal's Knife
False Face Medicine Jug
Ictinike's Tongue
Marshal Lambert
Earings of "Alabama" Jane Belle
Father Time's Pocket Watch
Lash of the Penitant
Mother Wendigo's Tooth
Toni DeMarvello's Wonderous Cloak
Official Deadlands Website
Blood Drinker knife
The Great Garbonzo's Hat
The Guns of Luigi Grazzola
Isatai's Vests
The Kingsbury Deck
St Elbus' Chalices
Torquemada's Tome of Alchemy


PA Posse
Lesser Western Vampire
Blood sucking freaks!
Tom Cashman
Devil Bees
Green Card Bunch
Satan's Kittens
Quozl's Website
Devil Dogs
Steve Wallace's
Fear Shark
Livin' Corpse
Krakopop's Website
Fallen Angel
The Banshee
Marshal Lambert
Blood Scorpion
Buffalo Beast
Monk Calf
6th Bullet
Hex Eaters
Graveyard Greg's
Blood Crows
Praire Spiders
Silver Back Wolves
Spined Serpents
Executioners Hang
Vampires (again!)
The Arooko
Judges Den
Giant Bear
Killer Cacti
Official Deadlands Website
The Conglomerate
Lake Hellion
The Patchwork Man
Range Devil


PA Posse
The Alienist
Left-Hand Shaman
Snake Oil Salesman
Gray Matter
Big Game Hunter
Commanche Horseman
Tick Wrangler
Mountain Man
Tom Cashman
Army Scout
People in Black
Veteran Officer
John Bricker
Geurilla Fighter
Judges Den
Big and Dumb
Combat Shaman
C.J.Charles' Website
Stagecoach Driver
Tomb Raider
Marshal Lambert
Maze Pirate
Oriental Mystic
Timber Beast
Werewolf Loner
Official Deadlands Website
Canadian Mountie
Chinese Mystic
Grave Digger
Guerro Santo


PA Posse
Such a Pretty Face...
Ticked Off
Rattboy's Website
Pushy Daises
Last Stop on the Trail
Red Tide
Marshal Lambert
Here There Be Vampires!
Jonah Hex: 2 Gun Mojo!
Steve Wallace's
Adventure hooks
Cut 'em up at the Pass
Hell and High Water
La Petite Hanse du Role
Steamboat Poker
Tom Cashman
The Best Little Haunted House
The Ghost Rock Express
"No Thanks...I'm Stuffed!"
Pain & Pleasure in LA
Pogo Joe Adventure
Sixth Bullet
Bar None
Dust Valley
Welcome to Cactus!
loads of adventure hooks...
The Bullet Hole
"Things to do in Denver When You're Undead"
A Conneticut Yankee...
Official Deadlands Website
The Deep Dwellers
Dead Men Walking
Dead of Night
Everybody Loves Zombies!
Grave Robberies
The Horse Eater
Killing Spree
Lycanthopes & Lycanthropes
Mojave Expedition
Pinkertons Murdered
The Raggedy Man
Railworkers Murdered
Saloon Midnight Murders
Suffer the Children
The Twisted Man
The Witching Hour
Wolfmen in Montana
Fool's Domain
Tales of Terror

Heroes & Villains

Marshal Lambert
Agent Anderson (H)
Ben Hardmann (V)
Bud "Tex" Weiser (H)
Demis Freddom-Bringer (H)
Doc Emmet Brown (NPC)
Dr. George Blond (H)
Earl Cotten (NPC)
Eddie "Spencer" Rogers (V)
"Emerald" Jackson (NPC)
Harvey Bernstein (NPC)
Isaiah Morningkill (NPC)
Isiah "Black Hand" Klegg (V)
"Kid" Jenkins Jacobs (H)
Lee-Arnold Walker (NPC)
Little White Horse (H)
MacAllan (H)
"One-Hand" Thomas (H)
Runs With Bears (H)
The ScareCrow (V)
Sheriff taylor (V)
"Silverbet" Bob Scuffer (H)
Spirit of Symeon Bryant (V)
Two Mules (H)
Dash Monroe's
Dash Monroe (H)
Graveyard Greg's
Big B'ar (NPC) Graveyard Greg (H)
Jonathan "Solitaire" Jones (NPC)
Sheriff John Cawthon (NPC)
Last Stop on the Trail
Catherine McBrady (H)
Devon MacAllister (NPC)
Jacob Delane (H)
Jacob Fury (H)
Maxx Trencher (NPC)
"Odd" Bob (H)
Rends By Night (V)
Running Bear (H)
Saint O Killers (V)
Samuel deVille (H)
Thomas McBride (H)
The Undertaker (V)
The Good/Bad/Brash
Jack Brash
6th Bullet
Dorian Jade (NPC)
Jonathan Vermillion (NPC)
Undertaker (NPC)
Breezer's Website
"Red Eye" Jake Folsum
Fool's Domain
Ed Greely
Justin Hood
"Smokin" Ty Wilks
Iron Horse Posse
Doctor Quinn (H)
Jay Kaye (H)
Jefferson Miller (H)
Joe Chancer (H)
Johnny RunningBear (H)
Preacher Jake Tacks (H)
Ted Fletcher (H)
Rust Dupont (NPC)
Wyonna Fielding (NPC)
Green Card Bunch
Edna Hill (NPC)
Eva Van Helsing (H)
Jake & Ted (NPC's)
James "Lord Jim" Thornton (NPC)
Monsignor Calugi (H)
Sean O' Rear (H)
C.J.Charles' Website
Cali (H)
Jacob Garrison (NPC)
James W McArthur(H)
John Gray (H)
Maggie M'Gill (H)
Preacher Jonous Gamble (H)
Runs With Spirits (NPC)
Samuel Morris (H)
Thomas Weatherby (NPC)
William McAllister (H)
Drake's Domain
Rooster Cogburn (NPC)
PA Posse
Calgary Rose (NPC)
Clint Van Cleef (NPC)
The Cole Brothers (V's)
Edric William Broadberry (NPC)
Evangiline (H) General Jefferson Parker-Sibly (H)
Harold K Spencer (NPC)
Ignacious Blye (NPC)
Jacob Rodney (H)
Janice Applegate (NPC)
Lucius Clay (H)
The Reilly Group (NPC'S)
Manfred O Toole (NPC)
"Mountain Man" Dan Tyler (NPC)
Quinn Thomas (NPC)
Rev Eugene Fletcher (NPC)
Satanta (White Bear) (NPC)
Seth Delane (NPC)
Severn Mathis (V)
Theodore Jackson (V)
"Black" Jack McGruder (H)
Jack Grimm (H)
Jacob Doum (H)
Lycaeons Scrollcase
Ghost Brigade
Tracker - Harrowed Hunter (NPC)
Vampiric Texas Rangers (NPC's)
Tom Cashmans
Artemus Gordon (NPC)
Brisco County Jr (NPC)
Dr Miguelito Loveless (V)
El Mariachi (NPC)
Gentleman Bob Graham (V)
James Anderson (H)
James T West (NPC)
Janos Bartok (NPC)
Kwai Chang Caine (NPC)
The Lone Ranger (NPC)
Lord Bowler (NPC)
The Man With No Name (NPC)
Nicodemus Legend (NPC)
Prof. Albert Wickwire (NPC)
Zorro (NPC)
Official Deadlands Website
Herman Melville
Lady Cynthia Carstairs (V)
The Undertaker(NPC)
Alma Feckle (NPC)
The Bad (V)
"Buffalo" Bill Cody (NPC)
Elisha Bishop (NPC)
The Good (NPC)
Hugh McGlue (NPC)
Logan Gallows (NPC)
Marshal Larry Deger (NPC)
"Stinky" Bill Grogan (NPC)
The Ugly (NPC)
Elaine Hargrove (V)
Gabriel Sinclair (NPC)
Jeremiah Tyler (NPC)
Mayor Merle Arcanus (NPC)
Preacher Abernathy (NPC)
Sheriff Lucas Buck (NPC)
Josey Wales (NPC)
Ranger Mulder (NPC)
Ranger Scully (NPC)
A whole Townful of folk!(NPC's)
Abagail Duncan (H)
Benjamin Fraser (H)
Bennitto Casanova (H)
Chinaman Huckster (H)
Isabella (H)
Jim "fall apart" Brown (H)
Madame Irene (H)
Weasel Moccasin (H)
How The West Was Weird
The Fiddler (NPC)
The Cult of the Deep (V)
Judges Den
Flanders the Preacher (H)
Jack the Pinkerton (H)
The Judge (H)
Sid the Huckster (H)
Weasel (NPC)

New Rules

Judges Den
More on Guns
Maintaning bows
Playing a Skeleton
Indian Totems
Demonic Familiars
New Edges and Hindrances
The Good/Bad/Brash
New Edges n Hindrances
Steve Wallace's
Adjustments to Combat & Weapons
Character Creation Notes
Character creation rules
Indian Tribes Relations table
Backlash Rules
Dice Probabilities
House Rules
Town Events table
The Bullet Hole
"Stupid hero tricks"
New Special Backgrounds
New Edges n Hindrances
Info on the "Dreamscape"
Revised Fannin' Rule
C.J.Charles' Website
New Hindrances
Fools Domain
4 New Harrowed Powers!
La Petite Hanse du Role
Fate Chips
Backlashed Hexes
Blessed Backlash table
Character Background Events table
New Gear
6th Bullet
Alternative combat actions rules
Rules for Luck
New Fu Powers
Krakopop's Website
Details of Sierra Vista & Fort Huachuca
Green Card Posse
Lowdown on Boulder:Colorado
Diamond Jack
Rules on "Veterans O The Weird West"
Rules on Bushwakin'
New apptitudes
New Hindrances & Edges
Executioners Hang
New harrowed powers
New Black Magic
Close Combat Weapons
Gray Matter
Rules for creating Archetypes
Marshal Lambert
Rules on Fate Chips
Rules on Fighting Dirty
Rules on Traits & Aptitudes
Rules on Vampires
Rules on Lycanthropes
Alchemic Ingredients & Potions
Rules on Quickdrawing Weapons
New Guns
GRW:Lots of new material!
Edges and Hindrances
Rules on Tying up & Escaping
(Alternative) Rules on Drawing Jokers
Drake's Domain
Rules on Volcanic Firearms
Alternative rules on pistol combat
New firearms
How the West Was Weird
New Black Magics
Official Deadlands Website
Black Fate Chips
Deadlands Index (not a new rule, I know, but handy all the same)
New Great Rail Wars Units (Wolves)
Rules on Veterans in the Great Rail Wars
Revised Rules on Dominion
Black Magic "Posession"
Drinking & Drunkeness
Unholy Host Harrowed Power
Tom Cashmans
Dice Percentile Tables
Pony Express 1876
Turbo Gambling
Deadlands FAQ
New Guns
Alternative backlash table
Rules on "Gettin the Drop on 'Em"
Rules on Martial Arts
Drinks of the Weird west
More rules on Martial Arts
New system for Martial Arts & Ch'I
Spaghetti With Meat
(Alternative) Rules on Character Creation
New rules on Drawing Jokers
New system for Hex Backlash
Last Stop on the Trail
Harrowed Power - Dark Armour
New Martial Arts Weapons
PA Posse
New Skills
Rules on Hedging Hucksters

If anyone feels I've left anything out then send me an E-Mail so I can get the list up to date

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