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4-H Program

In case you didn't know, I am also a dedicated member of my 4-H club. For those who don't know what the 4-H program is, well, allow me to explain. The 4-H is a youth program that is active all around the great United States and is present in Canada and Japan. The 4-H program main focus is to influence young people to be a good leader, make right decisions, and an active citizen. What most people probably don't know is that 4-H is anything but new. 4-h started in the early 1900's in my good own home state of Georgia. Beginning, 4-H was a group that focused mainly on agriculture, yet as it progressed, it began broadening it's horizons and became a more influential to the always-changing youth culture. 4-H has many competitive events and contests to be active in. The biggest one being Project Achievement which applies to 4-Hers all across the nation. (Thanks to Robert Seeders)