Welcome to the Lord Margas Tribute to Warcraft II Page. This page is for all Warcraft II lovers out there.
I have collected some stuff. PUDs, Links, Strategies, etc. If you have any comments or suggesstions, you
could email me at margas@rocketmail.com. Please feel free to sign my guestbook before you leave.
At last, some people had appreciated my web page. Thank you for giving me those awards.
It really brightens up my day.

- WarCraft Poll -
Do you think that WarCraft is already dead?

Yes...give it up. The game is dead.
No...WarCraft lives. It still has lots of followers.
I don't know...

View Results

My Award Page

Grimm Reaper's Golden Award

Josh's WarCraft 2 Award


- WarCraft Poll -
Which is better WarCraft or StarCraft?

WarCraft is the best game ever.
StarCraft is simply the best.
I don't know. I like them both.

View Results


WarCraft News
I now have some new PUDS (Blood Magic, etc.). Please visit my PUD page. I'm still looking for
some good Single scenario PUDS. If you have one, please send it to me and I'll post it here.

SURVEY: Do you think that WARCRAFT II will still live?

Is there a CHAT page for WarCraft lovers?

Please send your answers to my guestbook.

I frequently encounter dead WarCraft links. For those of you who wish to keep their page forever (that's
impossible - at least for a long time), please send me your URL and I'll post them to my page.
I am planning to create a section on my page called "Immortal Links". This is for the benefit of those people
who would play WarCraft II in the years to come.
I want to thank Chris for sharing some of his files to me. His page is excellent. Lots of puds,
links and downloads. Visit Chris' Warcraft II Page and see it for yourself.
I had put all the WarCraft pages I had bookmarked for the past months here. I had also created some
interesting puds using PUDDraft. You can download them anytime you want. If you want your
page to be included in the listing, just send your email. The leader category is my personal
selection. I had based it in order of importance, contents of information and contribution that it gives
to WarCraft fans. If you find a very interesting page that you believed that will contribute to the
WarCraft community, e-mail me
Download My PUDS

Visit the Immortal WarCraft Links
Still in the making



WarCraft PUD Editors

PUDdraft 0.96 beta 226k - Alexander Cech

Download - New WarCraft2 Map Editor. Visit Alex homepage and you will find a lot of interesting stuffs.

War2xEd - Daniel Lemberg

Download -The best PUD editor, bar none! Give mages dragon breath, make bridges that both land units and sea units can cross, make caves that flying units can't enter, use the swamp terrain and all the 2x heroes, and select among nearly a hundred AI types!

War2unit. v3.1. - Scorpion

Download - One of the best unit editors available.


Warcraft Links

Link Leaders

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
Peon Slayer's Warcraft2
The Warcraft II Domain
Warcraft 2 Shrine
The World of Warcraft II
CopyCat's RTS Guide: WarCraft Page
Warcraft 2 - Phenominal Gaming Pages
Erhnam's WarCraft 2 Page
Congo's WarCraft II Place
Vordagon's Home Page
Daniel's WarCraft Page
Welcome to The Warcraft II Battle Zone
Jason's warcraft2 page
James Warcraft 2 Page
Dragon Tooth Clan
Josh's Warcraft 2 page
The Executioner's WarCraft Page
WarCraft Forever
The Ring of Shadows
Chris' Warcraft II Page
Stals.CoM - Warcraft 2 Site
Nate's WarCraft 2 Page
Dragon's Warcraft 2 1998 HomePage

WarCraft PUDS

PUD Leaders

Campaign Download Page
Warcraft II Puds
Warcraft - The Age of Chaos PUDS Page
Palace Of The Puds
The Pud Review
The Pud Zone
Warcraft II: Legends
United Clans

Total Conversion Campaign

Welcome to Camelot, Home of Funcraft III
Danath's Warcraft II Page
WarCraft II: Chrono Trigger Homepage
Warcraft 2: Lord of the Rings Total Conversion
WarCraft 2: The WarTrek Homepage
Matt's Warcraft II Page

Tips, Strategies and others

File Downloads

Warcraft Cheats by Christopher Albus
The Ogre Mania Strategy
Warcraft Spells
Warcraft 2 Unofficial FAQ List - Dan Zerkle
Human GIFs
Human Spells JPGs
Orc GIFs


The best of Warcraft II

WarCraft Armory
WarCraft Fans Should visit this site.
25 Campaigns! Over 1,000 Levels For Warcraft II


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Last update: October 25, 1999

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