Jinas' Realm

Welcome to the realm! Although I've been on a long hiatus from my web page, there's plent yto show for lost time. A whole gallery of MSTings from Elmer Studios (our gaming group), artwork and more. All in the Elmer Studios Hall of MSTings.

Mekton Zeta

All you need to know about a number different campaigns, both in the past and still to come.

Bubblegum Crossfire

A campaign taking R. Talsorian's Bubblegum Crossfire campaign to 2033 Neo-Angeles. The campaign is ready to go. Keep checking for updates as it progresses; more mecha and characters will be added as the campaign progresses.

Elmer Studios!

Our own series of MSTings! 34 to date and still climbing!

Realm of Strangeness

Come in and and see...


A few places to see, a few things to do...

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The Dread Guestbook! Feed the beast or see its victims!

The counter bit (everyone else's got one!)
There have been looneys here since I got this thing.

E-mail Jinas

"Bubblegum Crisis", "Bubblegum Crash" & "AD Police Files" (c)Artmic Inc. & Youmex, Inc.
Subtitles, translation & dubbing (c) AnimEigo, Inc.Licensed to AnimEigo, Inc. by Youmex, Inc.
Unauthorized display, duplication, and distribution is prohibited. All rights under copyright reserved.

"Mekton Zeta" is the R. Talsorian Games Trademark for its anime mecha game system.
"Fuzion" is the FUZION Labs Trademark for its multi-genre game system.
Original Bubblegum Crisis RPG material Copyright 1996 by R.Talsorian Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Champions: The New Millenium is copyright 1997 by Hero Games. All rights reserved.
Used without permission. Any use of the copyrighted material or trademarks of Artmic Inc. & Youmex, Inc., AnimEigo, Inc., R.Talsorian Corporation or Hero Games in this page should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.
All original material within is copyright of the authors/artists. Permission is given to reproduce free of charge, provided full credit is given to the authors/artists.

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