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Welcome to Soulwanderer's Shining Force homepage. The completion of this page has been a long time in coming. I hope you enjoy the page and are willing to give this Sega original a chance in todays world of Hi-tech machines.

Character List Gives information on my personal opinions of the characters, where they're found, and other general information.
Evil Hoards of Runefaust Not up right now but you might enjoy the background.

Maps You probably don't need them but at least you'll be able to see what the upcoming battles will look like.
Cheats A few codes and tips.

Shining Force Emulator and Rom Play this Sega classic on your home PC.

Shining Force Chat Talk to other fans of the genre about strategies, secrets, and anything else you like.

Links See some friends pages which you might find just as interesting or helpful as mine.

Email me to give any suggestions, praise, or anything else you care to say.

Leave a message in the guestbook to let other people know your opinions. I'll be sure to check on it every now and then.
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Added 12/12/98

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