Enter Vampyre's lair At Your Own Risk!!!

Ahnee! (hello!)

My name is vampyrepanther.

if you stop by Freetown chat ill be in the CoffeeHouse perhaps feeding off from someone.... or perhaps in the HOLY Chapel trying to figureout my miserable non christian existance repentin for a million sins...hahahahahhaha (yeah right)

My Odawa name is BlackPanther and my chat name is Vampyre

Thus VampyrePanther!

Things that consume my time as an immortal are:
roleplaying.. reading... writing... drafting ... partying... large sterreos (especially pioneer) music.. internet.. chat.. movies.. videogames.. etc..

Visit here Later and thou shall find:
roleplaying world of darkness games
various other wod games
html commands
music of various sorts you will need real audio to hear them (midi's were a mistake on the part of their creator)
information about myself perhaps a picture later on. well guess what this page has been updated so many times you wouldnt beleive it but i havent published it for you too see.. but very very soon there is going to be something for roleplaying that took me FOREVER to build.. thats right a character generator.. ill be making a NPC file where you can submit a character and ill publish it on the web for free.. GUESS WHAT! an actual update you can see! this is my poetry table ive been struggling with. i gave up on trying to find an html answer and sold out like a punk bitch to using java! *hiding face*.. im afraid that the roleplaying section grows every time i log on new ideas come up so im working on it... Holy Goat Balls Batman! is this another visible update! Yet another Change in Vampyre's Page? Yep thats right poor deluded people i have yet again updated my page with leaps and bounds. I never said anything bout it cause i wanted it to be a surprise *yeah right more like the damn thing wasnt working right cause I hadnt done thing right and hadnt giving it enough attention. but here it is peoples. look below and thou shall behold a chat room. Click the Ankh and i shall deliver you to (thats right now im even more of a punk bitch... but now i deserve to really be taken advantage of by that lonly batmans goat.. its all java). the character generator is almost done like i got one more thing to do.

Chase him all the way to the ABYSS


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