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Welcome to Age of Empires Central! This site brings together some of the best AOE resources on the Web and daily news updates with a clean and fast loading interface. Bookmark this site and come again!
Last Updated:
Thurs Oct 16, 1997
6:33PM Pacific Time

October 26, 1997 Hmm, is it time to bow out of this websit game? Maybe. In the mean time check out AOE Heaven which recently moved over to

And here are the cheat codes:
DIEDIEDIE Kill everyone
COINAGE 1000 gold
WOODSTOCK 1000 wood
QUARRY 1000 stone

October 16, 1997 AoE is now in most retail stores so go out and get a copy... It's priced around $65 Canadian at some stores.

We'll be working on new campaign once we get a copy of the game, while we fit in some time for real work. I might go right now and get a copy at Future Shop! =)

There's a series of chat session with Ensemble staff going on for the next few days. Get information at Heaven Web. Ask them about AoE2 for me... snicker. It's at 4PM PST on the 17th and 20th.

October 14, 1997
We've been putting AoE through it's paces over at the Internet Gaming Zone so grab a copy of the MS/Web version and take me on... Shang or Yamato are the prefered civs there.

We had a short note passed on to us from the guys at Ensemble saying that they had reports that AoE was appearing in some Dallas area stores. While we haven't seen any copies up here in Canada, we'll be on the look out. Also, if anyone gets a copy and is working on scenarios send them our way.

October 3, 1997
The trials are out... I got my CGW demo yesterday and I had some fun (even though I couldn't figure out how to build my market in the third scenario). The web version can be downloaded (23.6MB...) from CNET's Download.Com. It's also available from Shareware.Com and Gamecenter.Com, but they'll probably just refernce Download.Com anyways... Go get it and come join me for a game at the Internet Gaming Zone.

And if you don't want to give CNET money for viewing their pages then here's the URL (hey, I love CNET... so don't flame me. Just in case you guys are in a rush): If you use a command line FTP program, go to that directory and just type "get MSAoE.exe" (in most cases) because Download.Com's FTP server doesn't show a listing for that directory.

If you haven't registered at the Internet Gaming Zone, then leave some time (2.5MB installation... not sure if that's included with the web trial download). But the new interface is pretty slick and it's a lot easier to check if anyone is playing or not. The channels are divided into ("DeathMatch", "Builders", CGW and Web version)

Just heard about a new game called Age of Empires? Then take our three minute tour of AoE with the bare essentials.

Exclusive! We want tips that no one else has and we'll call you Deep Throat or put your name up on the CRT if it's good.

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