This mecha is based on a mecha from Super Dimensional Cavalry: Southern Cross that was omitted from the Robotech RPG. Images and background courtesy of Rob Morgenstein. The Following Mecha Stats and Background were generated by Rick R. Mortis and formated to the style sheets created by Dave Deitrich and Chris Meadows. Please feel free to copy or redistribute this file, please just do not claim that it is your own work. Thanks.

APA-03 Fenris Artic Power Armour
RPG Stats and Background by: Rick R. Mortis.

Technical Info from the Robotech Technical Files, by Robert Morgenstern.


The Fenris suit was designed as a high mobility air cavalry power armour similar to the Zentraedi Nousjadeul-ger (Male Power Armour) for TC Artic Division troops to defend Antarctic research stations and the rebuilt Alaska base. This suit was designed to operate in extremely cold temperatures. Due to its successful use in artic regions, the Alpine Division also began using the Fenris to assist in high altitude and rocky terrains. The large armour has retractable 'snow shoes' to spread the weight when the Fenris lands in the snow.

The Fenris excelled at reconnaissance and air assault missions. The Fenris tended to operate in squads to overwhelm larger mecha. The troops using them tended to encourage the wolf pack mentality and mythos that the power armour was named after.

The Fenris was produced in only comparitvely limited numbers by the ASC. Many of them survived the Second Robotech War as they never faced combat. The Fenris proved to be useful against the small Invid Scouts and Hive Guards whan used by resistance fighters during the Third Robotech War.


Vehicle Type: One-man Artic power armour
Crew: One.


   	*Head			15
	**Hands (2)		5 each
	Arms (2)		20 each
	Legs (2)		35 each
	***Main Body		40
	**Thruster Pack		30
	**Lasers (2)		10 each

*Destroying the head of the Fenris will destroy all the mecha’s radar, communications and sensors. The mecha is now -2 to strike, parry and dodge.

**These are small targets, attackers are -3 to hit on a "called shot"

***Destroying the main body will shut down the mecha. Any extra damage over the 40 MD required to destroy the mecha will injure the pilot, applied to any armour first.


Running: 12kph
Flying: 120kph
Height: 2.1m
Length: 1.0m
Width: 1.9m
Weight: 500kg

  • 2 Protoculture Power Cells
  • HT-20 Thruster Backpack
  • 2 HT-3 Calf Thrusters
  • 12 HT-2 thrusters (3/shin, 2 chest, 1/forearm, 1/shoulder

    1. PE-10 Lasers. The main weaons of the Fenris are a pair of lasers built into the forearms.
    2. Mini-Missile Launchers. The Fenris has a mini-missle launcher built into each sholder.
    3. Hand to Hand Combat. Rather than use any weapons, the Fenris can opt to engage in hand to hand combat.
    4. Optional use of a hand weapon. The Fenris can also use any type of ASC handgun or rifle in this configuration. Typically, it uses the LR-30 rifle.



    Designers Notes

    Japanese Name: CoS-Fenris Super Dimensional Cavalry: Southern Cross

    Episodes Seen in: None

    Conversion Notes

    The RPG Misidetified this mecha as the CU (TSC) Space Battloid, which was wrong on all three counts. The mecha did not appear in the animation, but may have appeared in SDC: Southern Cross.

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