NES Memorobilia

Anyone living during the Nintendo era was unable to go anywhere without hearing something about the magic system. Whether it be the latest game, a code for an old classic, or the newest episode of any one of the Nintendo-based television shows. This huge amount of publicity created a large demand for Nintendo clothes, Nintendo toys, Nintendo foods, etc.

Nintendo Cereal

This was probably my favorite of the NES products. This cereal was made by the company Ralston, and came in a neat-looking box featuring a drawn screen shot from Super Mario Bros. or the Legend of Zelda on the front and a couple tips with a Nintendo Power subscription form on the side panel. Not only this, but the cereal was pretty damn good too! Just like the front picture, the cereal came in Zelda and Super Mario Bros. themes. Not only were the shapes different in the two cereals, the flavor was original for each too. As I recall, the two types of cereal each came in a seperate bag half the size of the box, thus letting both kinds of cereal to be bought in one box. Sadly, this product seemed to be on the market for only a few months or maybe a year before it was ended. If you have any additional information about the cereal or a box of this cereal (empty or full), please contact me. No you idiot, I'm not going to eat it!

McDonald's Toys

These things were really cool too. Available with a Happy Meal, these toys were a lot of fun. The four toys were:

Mario, with a spring jumping-action
Luigi, who is riding on a cloud with wheels, when you roll him backwards and let go he goes forward
Goomba, with a suction cup on his feet so when you stick his head to it he eventually does a back-flip
and Koopa Troopa, who had a little balloon with a hose on it so you could make him jump

Of these, I have one Goomba, one Koopa Troopa, two Luigi's, and no Mario's. If you have a Mario you would be wishing to part with, please contact me.

Nintendo Character Trophies

Another nice novelty from Nintendo, these trophies were based on one of three games: Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and Punch Out!!. They were on a 4" x 4" base, with another 4" x 4" background. These were really nice. I only have one though, with Mario shooting a fireball.

Dr. Mario Tank Top

I got this little doozy at K-Mart way back when. It's funny to think this thing was once big on me, because now it's a bit of a tight fit. I'll get a picture up sometime...

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