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Pulau Kapas
Pulau Kapas and Pulau Gemia (located to the north of Pulau Kapas) are merely 20 to 30 minutes by speedboat from the mainland off the coastal town of Marang, 15 kilometres south of Kuala Terengganu. Water visibility varies between 5 to 15 metres at best. The close proximity to the mainland makes Pulau Kapas ideal for non-diving tourists.

This reef is located on the eastern side of Pulau Kapas. Two large boulders with coral growth are home to a number of reef fishes such as damsels, wrasses, blennies and gobies. This is also a good site to observe groupers and if lucky, bamboo sharks can be seen resting under crevices.

Japanese Landing Craft Wreck
About 30 minutes north of Pulau Kapas is a Japanese landing craft wreck lying upright at a depth of 25 metres. Divers descend by the anchor line from the dive boat to reach the wreck. Sections of the metal hull and the anti aircraft guns are carpeted with soft corals and is home to a number of small marine animals.

Pulau Gemia
North of Pulau Kapas is Pulau Gemia. The depth profile of the reef around this island varies between 5 to 16 metres with hard corals carpeting the seascape. Darting about the acropora hard corals gardens are chromis, damsels, wrasses, and parrotfish. Occasionally, a school of bumphead wrasses will graze through the coral rubble foraging for food.

Getting There
Travel south of Kuala Terengganu to the coastal town of Marang. There are daily boat transfers to Kapas Island with a travel time between 20 minutes by speedboat to almost 1 hour by refurbished fishing vessels used for ferrying tourists.

Titan Dive Team