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Pahang Marine Park group of islands comprise of Pulau Tioman, Pulau Renggis, Pulau Sepoi, Pulau Labas, Pulau Soyah, Pulau Chebeh, Pulau Tulai, Pulau Sembilang and Pulau Seri Buat.

Largest island of the group is Pulau Tioman, which is inhabited by local fishing villages.

Pulau Tioman
Daily speedboat transfer from Mersing jetty varies between 1 1/2 to 2 hours to ferry you to Pulau Tioman. Most resort operators are located on the western portion of the island where the sea is calmer and closer to popular diving sites. Currently, this island is the only one with dive operators offering rebreather and technical diving courses.

Northeast Pulau Chebeh
Large boulders slope down to about 25 metres providing divers with interesting exploration through the many swim-through tunnels. The hard coral terrain is interrupted by numerous soft corals, sea fans and black corals at the deeper end.

Blue spotted stingrays can be seen at the sandy bottom while moray eels, parrotfish, butterflyfish and sweetlips stay close to the corals.

Tiger Rock
Regarded as one of the top dive sites in Pulau Tioman. This submerged reef is worth the dive despite the strong currents. Once you have descended down the anchor line of the dive boat to the reef, you will experience slack currents. Hard and soft corals make up the seascape. Schools of glass sweepers and cardinal fish seek refuge in crevices while fusiliers, rainbow runners and tunas swim in the blue water.

Seafan Garden Pulau Tulai
As the name suggests, this is an excellent site to see large colourful seafans. Hard corals dominate the shallower reef and as you descend deeper you will come across huge coral blocks carpeted with seafans. In between the crevices and the seafan are glass sweepers darting about as you approach. Good site to observe colourful nudibranchs on the walls of the coral block.

Getting There
Daily speedboat and catamaran transfer from Mersing jetty varies between 1 /2 to 2 hours to ferry you to Pulau Tioman. There are also daily direct flights from Kuala Lumpur to Pulau Tioman.

Titan Dive Team