:: These Tips are from around the Web ::

» To make more room in the workspace hit the [ Tab ] key to toggle all the floating palettes off and/or on.
» If You would rather have PSP remember the last file type You used when
saving a file instead of defaulting to the PSP format.

Select File/Preferences/General Program Preferences/Dialogs and Palletes,
and enable the "
Remember the last type used in file save-as dialog " option.
» To add plug-in filters to Paint Shop Pro 7, click on the File menu and choose Preferences, File Locations. Click on the Plug-In Filters tab to browse for the locations of your plug-in filters. Make sure you checkmark the following: Enable Filters, Allow The Use Of External Image Processing Filters, Include Sub-folders When Searching For Filters, and Enable Plug-in Automatic File Format Identification. Next, click on the Browse button in the Folder 1 line to browse for your Plug-In Filters folder. Repeat with line 2 if you have filters in more than one location. Click OK, and your filters will be available for use.
:: By Traci Pori ::
» To move a selection you have made on a layer click on the move tool then right click on the selection and move it.
» To precisely move an active selection hold the Shift key and use the arrows on your keyboard.
A saved JPG image often contains artifacts--little ripples and specs that take away the clarity of an image. Here's a way to reduce the appearance of artifacts in Paint Shop Pro 6: Simply click on the Image menu and choose Noise, Median Cut. Doing so will clear out some of the artifacts and smooth the overall appearance. Paint Shop Pro 7 includes a built-in Reduce JPG Artifacts filter, which offers much more control.
» When you're working with the Shapes tool, you can switch from one shape to another simply by employing the Shift key. For instance, if you're using the Ellipse shape, and you need to create a circle, there's no need to switch from the Ellipse shape to the Circle shape. With the Ellipse shape selected, simply hold down the Shift key to get a perfect circle. You can switch from the Rectangle to the Square in the same way. This technique comes in handy when you need to create various shapes in composite drawings.
» To make some Photoshop filters work in PSP
You must have two .dll's in the window/system
folder. They are msvcrt10.dll and plugin.dll
You can get them here.
» If You have a thin white line around an image when You copy or crop a selection uncheck the antialias in the tool palette.
» When you're downloading PSP tubes or background tiles,make new folders somewhere on your hard drive for the new ones you are downloading. If you save all of the tubes, frames, patterns, shapes, and so forth into the existing Paint Shop Pro folders, Paint Shop Pro 7 will become sluggish in creating a cache for them and will sometimes crash. You can create as many folders as you want to organize your PSP items. Then in Paint Shop Pro got to File/Preferences/File Locations and point PSP to the new folders You made.
:: By Traci Pori ::
» To make more room in the workspace hit the [ Tab ] key to toggle all the floating palettes off and/or on.
» To view the last 10 colors used right click on the foreground or background swatch and the last 10 colors will pop up.
» Drawing Shapes with the left mouse button draws the shape from edge to edge. Drawing with the right button draws from the center out .

If You have a tip or a question feel free to E-mail me!

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