Clockfish Translations
Maná MTV Unplugged
[Scratching the Sun]

Rayando el sol
Rayando por ti
Esta pena me duele, me quema sin tu amor
No me has llamado estoy desesperado
Son muchas lunas las que te he llorado

Stratching the sun
Stratching for you
This sorrow hurts me, it burns me without your love
You haven't called me, I'm getting desperate
I have cried you many a moon


Rayando el sol
oh eh oh
Es más fácil llegar al sol que a tu corazón

Stratching the sun
oh eh oh
It is easier to reach the sun than your heart


Me muero por ti
oh eh oh
Viviendo sin ti
Y no aguanto, me duele tanto estar así
Rayando el sol

I'm dying for you
oh eh oh
Living without you
And I can't stand it, it hurts me to be like this
Stratching the sun


A tu casa yo fui, y no te encontré
En el parque, en la plaza, en el cine yo te busqué
Te tengo atrapada, entre mi piel y mi alma
Más ya no puedo tanto y quiero estar junto a ti

To your home, I went, and didn't find you
In the park, at the plaza, at the cinema, I looked for you
I have you trapped in between my skin and my soul
I can't continue much longer, I want to be near you


Rayando el sol
oh eh oh
Es más fácil llegar al sol que a tu corazón

Stratching the sun
oh eh oh
It is easier to reach the sun than your heart


Rayando por ti
Uuuuuh, rayando, rayando el sol
Ay ay ay ay rayando el sol
Rayando por ti

Stratching for you
Uuuuh, stratching, stratching the sun
Ay ay ay ay stratching the sun
Stratching for you


1) "Rayando el sol" - ambiguity in the meaning:

If we look at this literally:

The verb rayar means to scratch or to line (una raya = a line). An alternative title could have been "Lining the Sun."
Rayar can also refer to scribbling.
    e.g. Mothers who catch their children drawing on walls with their crayons get mad and tell them, "no rayes ahí!" (don't draw there!)

Finally, one last association for "rayando el sol":
al rayar el día = at the break of day
In no way does rayar mean to physically break, however. It just refers to the time when you see the lining of the sun break the horizon; dawn.

If we look at it poetically: I think Maná just wants to image of trying to scratch/line the sun, not actually doing it.

2) "Más ya no puedo tanto y quiero estar junto a ti"
Más ya no is a little tricky to translate. It means "no longer." It is related to no más (no more).
no puedo tanto = I can't very much; I'm at my limit.