Clockfish Translations

Shakira: "Te Aviso, Te Anuncio" / "Objection"
A side-by-side comparison

Shakira already has English and Spanish versions of this song, but she changed many things while translating. This is a two-way translation project for anyone who would like to compare the two versions.

Shakira ya tiene versiones de esta canción en ingles y español, pero cambió muchas cosas al traducirlas. Entonces, este es un projecto especial para todos los que quieran comparar las traduciones.

Spanish Version:
[I Warn You, I Announce to You (Tango)]


Nunca pensé que doliera el amor asi
Cuando se entierra en el medio de un no
Y un si
Es un día ella y otro día yo
Me estás dejando sin corazón
Y cero de razón

I never thought that love could hurt like this
When it's buried in between a "no"
And a "yes"
It's one day her and the next day me
You're leaving me without a heart
And not a bit of reason


Ay te aviso te anuncio que hoy renuncio
A tus negocios sucios
Ya sabes que estoy de ti vacunada
A prueba de patadas
Por ti me quedé como Mona Lisa
Sin llanto y sin sonrisa
Que el Cielo y tu madre cuiden de ti
Me voy será mejor así

Ay, I warn you, I announce to you that today I refuse
Your dirty business
You know I'm vaccinated against you
By threat of kicks
Because of you, I was left like the Mona Lisa
Without tears and without smile
May the Heavens and your mother take care of you
I'm leaving. It'll be better like this.


Sé que olvidarte no es asunto sencillo
Te me clavaste en el cuerpo como un cuchillo
Pero todo lo que entra hade salir
Y los que están tendrán que partir
Empezando por mi

I know that forgetting you isn't an easy business
You stabbed yourself in my body like a knife
But everything that enters must (sometime) leave
And the people (who are) here will have to leave
Starting with me

(4, repeat part 2)

Ay te aviso te anuncio que hoy renuncio...

Ay, I warn you, I announce to you that today I refuse...


Talvez tú no eras ese para mí
No sé cómo se puede ya vivir
Queriendo así

Perhaps you weren't the one for me
I don't know how it's possible now to live
Loving (Wanting) like this


Esta patético, neurótico, satírico y sicótico
Tú no lo ves
El tango no es de tres
Ahi voy planeando escapar y me sale al revés
Pero voy a intentarlo una y otra vez voy

It's pathetic, neurotic, satirical, psychotic
You don't see it
Tango is not for three
I'm planning to escape and my plans end up backwards
But I'm going to try it again and again, I will

(7, repeat 2, altered end)

Ay te aviso te anuncio que hoy renuncio
A tus negocios sucios
Por ti me quedé como Mona Lisa
Sin llanto y sin sonrisa
Te aviso que estoy de ti vacunada
Y no me importa nada
Que el Cielo y tu madre cuiden de ti
Ya me voy, Ya me fui,
(Es mejor así)

Ay, I warn you, I announce to you that today I refuse
Your dirty business
Because of you, I was left like the Mona Lisa
Without tears and without smile
I warn you that I'm vaccinated against you
And nothing matters to me
May the Heavens and your mother take care of you
I'm leaving, I've left
(It's better like this)

The official Spanish version focuses more on the speaker's determination to end the relationship. It is also bitter, but not as much as the official English version. It is a little more sorrowful:
"Nunca pensé que doliera el amor asi"
"Me quede...sin llanto y sin sonrisa"
"no eras ese para mí"
Version en ingles:
[Protesta (Tango)]


It's not her fault that she's so irresistible
But all the damage she's caused isn't fixable
Every twenty seconds you repeat her name
But when it come to me you don't even care
If I'm alive or dead

No es su culpa que sea (ella) tan irresistible
Pero todo el mal que ha causado no se arreglara
Cada veinte segundos repites su nombre
Pero quando se trata de mi, ni te importa
Si estoy viva o muerta


So objection I don't wanna be the exception
To get a bit of your attention
I love you for free and I'm not your mother
But you don't even bother

Objection I'm tired of this triangle
Got dizzy dancing tango
I'm falling apart in your hands again
No way I've got to get away

Entonces protesto, no quiero ser la excepcíon
Para sacarte un poco de atencion
Te amo gratis y no soy tu madre
Pero tu ni te molestas

Protesto, estoy cansada de este triangulo
Me marié bailando tango
Otravez me hago pedasos en tus manos
Ni chansa, me tengo que ir (de aquí)


Next to her cheap silicon I look minimal
That's why infront of your eyes I'm invisible
But you gotta know small things also count
You better put your feet on the ground
And see what it's all about

Al lado de su silicon barato me veo minimal
Y por eso adelante de tus ojos invisible soy
Pero date cuenta que las cosas pequeñas tambien valen
Pon tus pies en el piso
Y abre los ojos a la realidad (lit: Y ve de que se trata todo)

(4, repite 2)

So objection I don't wanna be the exception...
Objection I'm tired of this triangle...

Entonces protesto, no quiero ser la excepcíon...
Protesto, estoy cansada de este triangulo...


I wish there was a chance for you and me
I wish you couldn't find a place to be
Away from here

Quisiera que hubiera chansa para ti y mi
Quisiera que no encontraras otro lugar (donde estar)
Lejos de aqui


This is pathetic, sardonic
It's sadistic and phychotic
Tango is not for three
Was never meant to be
But you can try it
Rehearse it
Or train like a horse
But don't you count on me
Don't you count on me boy

Esto es patético, sardónico
Es sadístico y sicótico
El tango no es de tres
Nunca fue intensionado asi
Pero lo puedes tratar
O entrenar como un caballo
Pero no cuentes conmigo
No cuentes conmigo, niño/muchacho

(7, repite 2)

Objection I don't wanna be the exception
To get a bit of your attention
I love you for free and I'm not your mother
But you don't even bother

Objection I'm tired of this triangle...

Protesto, no quiero ser la excepcíon
Para sacarte un poco de atencion
Te amo gratis y no soy tu madre
Pero tu ni te molestas

Protesto, estoy cansada de este triangulo...

I translated "objection" as "protesto," but note that protesto actually means "I protest" or "I object." It is a verb, but it sounded better.

Note that the official English version focuses more on the other woman.
"not her fault she's so irresistible"
"the damage she's caused"
"her cheap silicon"
This is something that's almost completely absent in the official Spanish version.

Clockfish Translations © 2004-present by TLG. Take nothing without permission.