Unknown singer (please e-mail if you know!)
Unknown author and CD
[The Doors of My Heart]

I don't know who wrote this or who sings it. I got the mp3 from my sister, who found it somewhere else. All we have is the title. It's such a pretty song, though, that I thought I'd type up the lyrics and translate them. If I'm lucky, someone with more information will find this page on the internet.

Mi amor...

My love...


Voy abrir las puertas de mi corazón
Y tu entraras como entra el sol por la ventana
Como el oscuro, yo lo se
Lo comprobé por ti mujer
Encontrare felicidad
Y tu a mi lado sonreirás

I'm going to open the doors of my heart
And you will enter like the sun enters through the window
Like the darkness, I know this
I confirmed it because of you, woman
I will find happiness
And you will smile at my side


Pero mi vida cambiaras
No ves que quiero
[También un hogar,] / [Tambíen aogar] [?]
Mi vida, si yo lo prefiero

But my life you will change
Don't you see, I want
[Also a household] / [Also to drown]
<-- I really can't hear this line
My life, yes (if?) I prefer it


Como en un sueño vivirás
Y la razón tu me darás
Contigo, vida, yo seré
Un hombre sincero

Like in a dream, you will live
And reason, you will give me
With you, life, I will be
A sincere man


Amor amor amor
Así lo quiero
Amor amor amor
Por ti me muero

Love love love
I want it this way
Love love love
For you I die


Solo pido que me creas
Hazlo por mi, hazlo por ti
Por el tiempo que nos queda
Dime que si, si, siiii

All I ask is that you believe me
Do it for me, do it for you
For the time that we have left
Tell me yes, yes, yeeeees


Ay ay ay

Ay ay ay


Tan solo penas reinaran aquí en mi mente
Si por algún motivo tu no estas presente
Te pido, quiero recorrer
El mundo entero y demostrar
Que nada vale si no hay esa ternura, esa bondad

Only regrets will reign in my mind
If for some reason you are not present
I ask (permission) of you, I want to travel
The whole world and demostrate
That nothing matters if that tenderness, that goodness, isn't there


Te voy abrir las puertas de mi corazón
Y tu entraras como entra el sol por la ventana
Como el oscuro, yo lo se
Lo comprobé por ti mujer
Encontrare felicidad

I will open the doors of my heart for you
And you will enter like the sun enters through the window
Like the darkness, I know this
I confirmed it because of you, woman
I will find happiness


Amor amor amor
Así lo quiero
Amor amor amor
Por ti me muero

Love love love
I want it this way
Love love love
For you I die


Solo pido que me creas
Hazlo por mi, hazlo por ti
Por el tiempo que nos queda
Dime que si, si, siiii

All I ask is that you believe me
Do it for me, do it for you
For the time that we have left
Tell me yes, yes, yeeeees


1) "Amor amor amor"
Amor is a term of endearment in Spanish. We tend to say "my love" instead of just "love" in English. I would have translated it that way, but "my love my love my love" looks really cluttered.

2) Oh whatever! You won't find this song anywhere else; I haven't. Here's the zipped mp3 file (2.3 MB). It's such a romantic song. I want other people to hear it.