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Now that I should be having more time to spare, I intend to really expand this section. I've noticed a LOT of programs on TV lately that have been giving a lot of really good exposure to GLBT subjects, so I intend to highlight some of them here.

Hot links next to a show's name are links to the midi file of the show's theme. Hot links on the shows names themselves are links to pages or sites dedicated to that show.


Touched by an Angel
X-Files (theme - 14K)


Melrose Place (theme - 31K)


Finally! Something worth watching on Tuesdays!
Dawson's Creek - If you haven't seen it yet, you have got to see it at least once (to get a good look at James and Justin, if nothing else!).


Babylon 5
Beverly Hills 90210 (theme - 14K)
90210 has had a number of excellent gay themes lately, but not the "in your face" type, or the fluffed up style that Melrose Place had with their always-celebate Matt. Earlier this season (around Christmas) David got to know a young teen who had been disowned by his family after coming out to them, and helped the young man and his family back together.

Just tonight (3/18/98) the episode centered around Kelly wanting to become a foster parent to an abandoned baby, then dealing with her feelings about the fact that the social agency gave the baby to a young gay couple instead, who had been tentatively approved to adopt it (they named the baby Rafael). A well handled story line in my opinion. Bravo Fox!

Party of Five (currently on hiatus)
Ross, the gay violin instructor, has been mostly absent this season, but there was on particularly funny and touching episode. Sara, Bailey's ex-girlfriend and current roommate, had decided that she was going to give up her virginity to her current boyfriend - only to discover that he was gay, and only was interested in her to see if he could "teach himself to like girls".
Significant Others
Star Trek: Voyager (theme - 9K)


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (theme - 3K)
E.R. (theme - 10K)


OK, now Fridays are the dead nights for TV.


Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict
Early Edition (when it's on)

Syndicated Stuff

These are the ones I catch whenever I can - they are on numerous times each week here.

Lois and Clark - The New Adventures of Superman (theme - 11K)
Highlander the Series
The Adventures of Sinbad

Favorites that got taken off the air

Space Above and Beyond (theme - 7K)
Earth 2 (theme - 4K)
The Cape
Alien Nation
Home Front
Lois and Clark
Quantum Leap (theme - 5K)
Forever Knight

Thank the Gods for the Sci-Fi Channel!

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