Macross Emblem

Macross Logo MACROSS is one of anime's longest serving series spanning over two decades since it's first series MACROSS SUPER DIMENSIONAL FORTRESS released way back in 1982. What followed were numerous series, movies and the odd OAV thrown in for good measure. The latest in the Macross franchise have been the Macross Plus OAV and the Macross "Firebomber" 7 series and spinoffs.

Minmay from Macross 2
Taken from Macross 2
Personally I have not that much of any of the Macross series save Macross Plus (both Movie an OVA), the first few episodes of Macross 7 and the US hack of the initial Macross series, Robotech (Forgive me Otaku's). I'm not in a real position to comment much on Macross except Macross Plus (Below). Robotech I'm not to sure of, Macross 7 so far has been nothing special with a dissapointing re-use of battle scenes (although i have been informed that the series only get's going around episode 12). This leaves me with Macross Plus which co-incidently are the only Macross pictures i have at the moment.

Macross Plus Logo

WARNING These archives contain large amounts of Macross+ picture. It's advisable to disable pics and just view the thumbnails unless you have a really fast have been warned

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Disclamer. All material on this page has been used without prior permision. Macross+ and all other macross titles are © of BANDAI/ EMOTION. This page is here only to spread the good word of macross. Please mail me if there is a problem and i'm sure we can reach an agreement.

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