Welcome to the JCF homepage. We hope that you'll take a few minutes and look around. The JET Christian Fellowship is dedicated to supporting Christians in Japan from all backgrounds through networking, retreats, a regular newsletter, tape and book libraries, prayer support, and much more. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send us a note.

There is also information on upcoming events, however you will have to obtain forms and register via snail mail. On a final note, text menus are included below and graphics have been kept to a minimum on most pages.
Happy surfing and God bless you!

Deborah Ruth Trotter, 2001-2002 CSG National Coordinator

About JCF | Beliefs Statement | Online Resources | Useful Links | Upcoming Events | Tape Library | Book Library | Alumni Network | JCF Online | Questions & Comments |

This page was created by Ray Hanson, and is maintained by Emily Mankin with the help of various software and web authoring sites. CSG does not necessarily endorse any of the products or companies listed on these pages.

Updated: July 15, 2001

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