Black Magic

ATTENTION: All magic spells in this section were created by Hajime Kanazaka, the author of Slayers, and are fictional. Any resemblence to magic listed here and reality are coincidental! So don't try this at home! ^_^

Black magic is used for death and destruction essentially. It gets it's power from negative emotions other the world such as anger, hate, terror, and pain. Lina is basically the only person who really uses black magic. Lina's speciality is from the offensive category of black magic ^_^

Black Magic Offensive Spells:

Blast Ash:

This magic calls into the strong forces of darkness to literally blast the target into ash! Kinda like disentegrate.



"Lord of Darkness of the Four Worlds

I call upon you

Grant me all the power that you possess"

The boost spell is used to activate talismans or magic items. Lina, and Xelloss both use this spell to activate the demon's blood talismans. Vrumugun also uses it in Slayers ep. 16 to activate an orb.

Dragon Slave:


"Darkness beyond twilight

Crimson beyond blood that flows

Buried in the flow of time

In thy great name I pledge myself to darkness

All the fools who oppose us will be destroyed by the power you and I possess

Dragon Slave"

The dragon slave is one of the strongest spells in black magic it has a HUGE explosion radius and can easily destroy villages. (^_^) It was developed and created by the great black wizard, Rei Magnus. This spell gets it's power from Ruby-Eye Saburanigudu. In order for maxium effectency the chant can be used. Around when it was first developed Rei Magnus used it to kill a dragon with the name Dragon Slayer, but over time the name was corrupted into Dragon Slave


The Disfang spell creates a huge dark dragon within the magician's shadow. The dragon engulfs the target in pure negative energy. This spell can only be used when light is present.

Dynast Breath:


"Supreme King of the frozen soul

Grant me the power of your icy rage

Dynast Breath"

Using the power of the dark general Dynast Grausherra this magic instantly freezes the enemy and then turns into mist. The spell can be arranged to give the magician an ice statue, or pillar of ice.

Dynast Brass:

This spell creates a pentagram under the target which then explodes upward into negative energy. This also gets power from Dynast Grausherra.

Laguna Blast:

This spell taps into the power of the Hellmaster in order to shoot a ball of dark plasma at the target.

Hell Blast:

This spell also calls upon the evil Hellmaster. It creates a dark lance that when shot at an enemy sucks the life out of it. It is a very fast spell and only effects living things.

Gaav Flare:


"Dragon of darkness which sleeps in the inferno

Lend me your roar to burn my enemies to ashes

Gaav Flare"

This taps into the power of the Chaos Dragon Gaav, another one of Saburanigudu's dark generals. It creates a very strong ray of fire and dark energy that burrows through targets.

Dark Claw:

This spell creates a ball of dark energy that shoots compleatly through the target leaving a large hole.

Blast Wave:

This spell is used to crate openings or tunnels big enough for a person to crawl through. It is usually used on walls or floors. The caster has to be in direct contact with the thing for this spell to work.

Dolph Zork:

This spell taps into the power of the dark general Deep Sea Dolphin to create a huge blade of ice that can cut through almost everything. In order for this spell to work a large amount of water is needed.

Dolph Slash:

This is another one of Deep Sea Dolphin's spells. This one is EXTREMELY powerful! It creates a spear of ice that can be shot at the enemy at the speed of sound. This is almost immposible to avoid, and needs no water to activate.

Ruby Eye Blade:

Using the power of Ruby Eye Sabaranigudu the spell creates a very powerful glowing red sword. This sword is as strong as the sword of light and can cut through ANYTHING.

Xellass Blitz:

Using the power of the Beastmaster, Xellass Metallium, this spell creates an intense whirling boomerang which can be controlled by the caster to damage an enemy. It is mainly used to disrupt, and dispel white magic spells.

Xellass Bleed:

This is another of the Beastmaster, Xellass Metallium's, spells. It creates an intensely powerful beam of light that can be willed to go in any direction. It is one of the stronger black magic spells

Meteor Fall:


"The one who watches us from above

Show me your awesome power

Meteor Fall"

This spell is shrouded in secrecy it draws meteors from outer space to rain down on an area at the casters command. ::cough:: Although there is a reason why it's been kept a secret.... ^_^;;

Ferias Bleed:


"Stars which pass through heaven's night skies

Heed the ancient covenant with the earth

I pledge my life that he may be called forth

Ferias Bleed"

This spell is used to summon a small animal or creature. The creature can be used as a direct link to reality and thereby dispel any illusions the caster is trapped in.

Giga Slave:


"Darkness beyond the blackest pitch

Deeper then the deepest night

King of Darkness who shines like gold on the sea of chaos

I call upon thee, swear myself to thee

Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed by the power you and I possess

Giga Slave"

The Giga Slave calls power from the Lord of Nightmares (The strongest evil one of them all.) This spell completely destroys the target by enveloping it in darkness, and nightmares. This spell is a modified version of the Dragon slave and it's attack radius is A LOT larger then it. However if this spell is used improperly or miscast it envelops the world in darkness and returns it to chaos. (Basically world go boom as Lina would say ^_^.) This spell was first used by Lina against Sabaranigudu in the first series in conjunction with the Sword of Light. This spell is considered by some people to be in a seperate category of magic called Dark Magic.

Giga Slave (Complete version):

This spell is the full powered version of the above magic. Not even Lina can control it and it can lead to the destruction of the world. Currently Lina has sealed the spell.

Laguna Blade:


"Lord of the teriffying dreams

Sword of cold and darkness

Free yourself from the bonds of heaven

Become one with my power, one with my body

And let us walk the path of destruction together

Power that can smash even the souls of the gods

Laguna Blade"

Using the power of the Lord of Nightmares this spell creates a dark sword pulsing with electricity and negative energy. IT can cut through dimentional barriers. Lina learned this spell from a Clair Bible in Slayers NEXT. In order for this spell to be cast Lina has to use the Boost spell on her demon's blood talismans. The US release of Slayers translates this spell as "Ragna Blade"

Laguna Blade (Complete Version):

This spell is the full powered version of the Laguna Blade. In this version the blade is a lot bigger and stronger. However because it's so strong it uses the casters energy up quickly so can only be used for a short time before the caster collapses from exaustion.

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