Run Something!!

What is your Name?

What would you like to run?

What game system will you be using?

What day would you like to run it?

What time would you like to run?

Pick your Gaming location prefrence:

How many players will you accept?

What level of player skill are you looking for?

Please describe your game?

Any other comments about your game?

What is your e-mail address (to reply to)?

Is it alright if perspective players e-mail you?

When would you like to start your game?

Thank you for running a game through MaGiK!

The Fine Print
By submitting this form, you agree that all games held on University grounds will have a minimum of 50% students and will comply with the rules of the University. You also agree that regardless of where this game is run, it will be free of hazing. As the Game Master, you accept the responsibility to enforce that neither you, nor your players will haze or otherwise be involved in harrassment. If there are any problems, please contact
The Prez or any of the other officers immediatly.

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