Mamano Hunter Yohko

The Yohko series follows the adventures of Mano Yohko, a young Devil Hunter. Yohko's family have been devil hunters back to the first ancester. Upon her 16th birthday, Yohko is introduced to the world of Devils, the hard way... She must stop the Dark Queen from being reborn into this world!

The intresting thing about the Yohko series is that each episode/movie has a diffrent feel or genre to it. Yet, despite these changes, Yohko manages to maintain a consistency that allows a believable storyline throughout the series. Yohko's character (and the others) stay solid (with the exception of grandma's wavering on the idea of when Yohko has her great-grandchild.)

Episode Guide
Devil Hunter Yohko
The first Yohko is an adventure that comes exceedingly close to being a cream lemon. It follows Yohko's awakening as a devil hunter and her first (major) battle against evil. She must defeat the Dark Queen before mankind is doomed to the evil of the Devils.... forever!

Devil Hunter Yohko 2 & 3
Yohko 2 is the moralisstic story of a Devil Hunter's place in the scheme of things... is it merely to send devils and spirits back to the beyond or is it something more? What about those spirits that are sometimes beneficial, unless when angered?

Yohko 3 is a fairie tale story of a Prince who dared to love one that his father forbade.... Can Yohko rescue her handsome prince from his prison of Dragon claws?

Devil Hunter Yohko 4

Devil Hunter Yohko 5

Devil Hunter Yohko 6

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