Hey! Yo!

Better watch out that person!

Ilran?? Who the hell is she? =P

She is one of my best friends in my real life.


She is the most weird person I have ever met in my whole entire life! People tell me that I am the one who is weird which I think is not correct. They don't know how weird Ilran is!
Oh, well. Who cares. NO matter how wierd she is. She is my best friend. She gave me a lot of things,(not gifts... I mean.. nice memories.) I learned lots of things from her. If it were not for her help, I couldn(t have speak English this much.

But, hey! Not this time! This is still underconstruction! Please come here some other time! Okiee? You have to be prepared for the shock! You will surprise when you get to know this person!! Ilran! She is unpredictable! Hehehe.

To Ilran
So... How do you like this page? (^-^) Hehehe. I am writing everything correct. Right? Well. You know I am saying you are weird, but I know I am weird, too! Additionaly, weirdness is not a bad thing, I think... I am not sure though.
We are just different from other people. Hmmm. Yeah, let's keep this way. We are weirdo!! So~?? What is other ppl's problem? :P As long as we don't harm others, we can stay this way.
Hope to see ya soon! Give me Oi-Kimuchi! Oh yeah! Don't forget to earn money for me! You have to feed and afford me! I am going to Uni with your money! Hahahahaha! I am serious, you know! ;P
2002! Soccer World Cup! Japan and Korea rule!

c 1997 iris_mdk@hotmail.com

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