Kyogen Performances
July 2001

Guess what? No one would believe it, but Nomura Mansai will be in London from the 18th to the 22nd July performing Comedy of Errors in Japanese at the Shakespeare Globe Theatre. At last!

Related to Mansai (and not Kyogen), he will also be acting a forthcoming blockbuster (said to be the Japanese version of
Ghostbusters) called Onmyoji. The movie is set in the Heian Period and Mansai takes the lead acting as a priest with magic and zaps ghosts, read minds etc. like most onmyoji do I believe....ex-SPEED member, Imai Eriko will be in it, changed by Mansai into a butterfly and so will Ito Hideaki and Koizumi Kyoko. Any other information, check out the Nikkan Sports newspaper or any other newspapers online!
Email me for more information!
pu pong pong!
Back to Kyogen...and more Mansai of course...!