Nakamura Kantaro Ãæ¼´ªÂÀϺ  ÆóÂå
and Nakamura Shichinosuke
The Nakamura brothers are the sons of famous Kabuki actor  Nakamura Kankuro. Both have been acting with their father since they were young, and were famous for their child roles in Kagamijishi (Mirror Lion?). Nakamura Kantaro is a very good onnagata, in fact, you probably cannot imagine that he can be very beautiful despite being so mascular...well, I'll save those pictures for later. Both act in Taiga as well as in contemporary NHK early morning dramas. Kantaro recently acted in Voyage!, a musical with Matsu Takako, another famous thespian of the stage. Both brothers recently gave a hilarious account of their favourite loves in a Japanese lifestyle magazine, Anan, and are freqeuntly displaying their cooking techniques on shows. Kantaro will act in a movie called Turn, written by an ex-Waseda graduate. It also stars Makise Riho, so stay tuned for that!
Some cheeky shots of Shichinosuke...! Please click pictures to download.
Nakamura Kantaro:
Real Name: Namino Masayuki
Yago ²°¹æ: Nakamura Ya Ãæ¼²°
Crest Ìæ: Square cut with Gingko nut motif ³ÑÀÚ¶ä°É
D.O.B.: 31/10/1981 (20 years old this year)
School: Aoyama Gakuin High School
Interests: Watching plays, movies, playing billiards, surfing. He likes
The Beatles (cool!) and any sort of Western music.
Favourite spots: Shibuya's SUNSEA and Harajuku's NINGENKANKEI are his favourite coffee shops.
Nakamura Shichinosuke:
Real Name: Namino Takayuki
Yago and Crest: same as Kantaro's
D.O.B.: 18/5/1983 (18 years old this year)
School: Horikoshi High School
Interests: Golf, Soccer, billiards and reading Shonen H because he resembles the protagonist...
Favourite spots: Ikebukuro, Takatanobaba's Bowling alley (near Waseda).
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One of my favourite pictures...oozing COOLNESS! Click to download!