Itikawa Shinnosuke
The son of Danjuro, the Genji of this millennium, and one of the three "Sukes" in Kabuki history. He is perhaps, along with Somegoro, one of the most photogenic of actors ie. handsome! His family branch is a relative of Matsumoto family so that makes them all rival cousins (Danjuro's father is Koushiro's father's brother)! The other Sukes are Kikunosuke and Tatsunosuke.
Real name: Horikoshi Takatoshi (cool name!)
Yago ²°¹æ: Narita Ya À®ÅIJ°
Crest Ìæ: (excuse my translation) Three bottles, apricot leaf and peony flower
D.O.B: 6/12/1977 (24 years old this year)
School: Horikoshi High school (same as his name)
Interests: Fishing and watching sumo wrestling (traditional...)
Favourite spots: None.

The photos taken by Shinoyama Kishin seem to favour the left side of Shinnosuke's face...?
Darn, do I look that bad? :)
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the man behind that face...? (and what a face...)
There's a really fierce mie but I'll spare the viewers from that! Look at those eyes! Those eyebrows! WOW!
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