Nakamura Tomijuro as Benkei
This Kabuki play is one of my favourite plays, and it tells of courage, sacrifice and loyalty, typical of the Edo samurai kabuki plays in Japan. The scene is taken from the Tale of Heike, where Yoshitsune, the general of the Genji clan, is running away from his brother, Yoritomo, who suspects him of betrayal. Benkei is his bodyguard. Along the way, they encounter Togashi, who has been ordered to catch Yoshitsune alive. The plan is that Yoshitsune pretends to be Benkei's servant, and use a hat to hide his face. Benkei then pretends to be a priest off to build a temple. Togashi then challenges him to produce a subscription list (kanjincho) if he is really on such a pilgrimage. Benkei has no choice but to summon an empty list and pretend to read off imaginary terms and names.

Togashi, highly suspicious, then leans forward and realises that the list is an empty scroll! Suddenly Benkei leaps up and they both glare at each other (mie all the way!!!)..and then Togashi suspects that the servant is Yoshitsune so he threatens Benkei to retain the servant. However quick-thinking Benkei acts as master and strikes Yoshitsune, accusing him of being a bad servant. Togashi is surprised by his strong loyalty and sacrificing his own future, he allows Benkei and group to cross the bridge. Upon reaching safety, Benkei weeps to Yoshitsune, asking for forgiveness, but Yoshitsune understands and is touched by his loyalty.

Later on, Togashi invites Benkei to his place to drink and they all get merry!!!
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