Kabuki came about during the 17th century, originating from a dance  by a  woman called Okuni, who danced with other girls...and later it evolved to be a young men's art, which was banned. Subsequently, mature men took over the art and nurtured the art to what it is today. This was the age of the Genroku period, when Ukiyoe came about and Hokusai's art was really popular (above one of the 37 views of Mt. Fuji? Fans correct me if I'm wrong).

Many kabuki plays originated either from Bunraku or Noh. The rest are independent plays. Kabuki has flashier attractions, brighter costumes and more instruments than Noh. It highly entertaining, and popular. One of my favourites is Tsurionna 「釣女」(Fishing women) and  Yoshitsune Senbonzakura 「義経千本桜」 (Yosihitsune and a thousand cherry trees) and Kanjincho (the subscriptions list). I hope to catch Shibaraku (Wait a minute!) and more comical plays in the future.

A special thing about Kabuki is that it's an all men ensemble. Men who play women are called
Onnagata. Kabuki actors often do the mie (a stylized glance) as the ultimate high focal point of their acting (cross eyed glare. It's really cool). Shouts of encouragement are called kakegoe.
Kabuki faces of famous actors were often printed on hand towels, soaps, powder..much like idols' faces on products today. Fan craze isn't a recent phenomenon as you can see.... This drawing is from KANJINCHO (The subscription list), an excellent play. My favourite character is of course, BENKEI!!! Got a kick looking at all the mies on stage!!
For story synopsis, click here!
This is a scene taken from CHUSHINGURA ( The tale of the 47 Ronin). Ronins are wandering samurais like KENSHIN. It is a famous tale of loyalty, courage and love. Click here for story synopsis.
More Kabuki!
My first Kabuki experience! Read about it!
View the kabuki picture gallery!
Kabuki Performances in Japan, and beyond...
Meet Who's who in the Rien World...!
Travel back in time to Noh. ここにクリックしてください!
Fancy something different from the Children's Television Workshop? ここにクリックしてください!
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