Updates page

So, what's new?

February 14:

New page and a new index comment!

February 9:

New stuff added to Daily anime reviews. Really old reviews. Just found them!
New reviews in the new recommendations page
And, of course, a new index comment

January 13:

It's alive!

Dropped the FY page for now.
Found the long, lost Daily anime reviews.
New page added
And hopes that my desire to continue expressing something continues so that I can give this site some content. Wish me luck!

September 24:

Hishashiburi da na?
New page! My Nan Desu Kan page!
Highlights the recent weekend at Nan Desu Kan Go!
NDK2K should come along later (don't know when, though).
New index comment

January 20:

New page! It's my random anime thoughts!!!
Updates in the Digital Cable new reviews
Updates in the Daily Anime reviews
New index comment

January 3:

Happy millenium!
Good sized update today before school starts.
New page: Anime Cable Reviews (aka Digital Cable reviews)
Other anime section chopped.
New reviews in Digital page under 'new reviews' link
new index comment

December 19:

Reconstruction day part 1!
Deleted A LOT and I repeat A LOT of the contents in the clubs page!
Updated Items page.
Index page in the process of a new look.
New comment on index.
Look out for more pages to come!
Projected pages:
Mindless Babble (c'mon people, you know it's fun to read what goes on in other people's head!)
About Me (so much for linking to my other page!)
All the Animes divided into 3 pages: Digital Cable, Everyday TV, and Movies I own.
Section to the Nan Desu Kan Convention and, possibly, more (if I go to other conventions).
Hey! Our Cartoons aren't THAT bad! (Highlighting some cool North American cartoons).
So those should be the new additions and I plan to touch up all the older pages! See ya soon and sometime in the next Millenium!


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