Members Of Benwick

The Royal Friends And Family

Darius Second in Command of Benwick

This is Darius. He is Galahads best and most trusted friend. He is very respected and also a great guy to be around. He likes to have some fun but I think he could have more fun with his life, But that is something you have to decide for yourself!!

Christianna Duchess of Benwick

This is Christianna, Darius wife, and yet another great one within the Kingdom. She is very kind, and gentle. She has meny wonderful idea's, and shares them with our grand kingdom.

Sir Tristan Knight Of Scotland

Here is Sir Tristan De Hardy. A wonderful person if I may say so myself. He is very kind and has taken away my Lady in Waiting, Lora, to be his wife, but never fear it is all for the best. HE serves Scotland as the First Knight, and trusted friend of Sir Michael (Lord Protector Of Scotland).

Lady Lora of Scotland

One year 18 years ago, in France a baby was found. They thought the child was a demon and sent her to New France to see if she had a home there. The ship sailed over the ocean and was soon sent off course by a storm. The ship crashed into the the border between the Dark Empire and the ocean. It was not long before the Dark Empire learned of the crash and sent some troops out to the ship to investigate. They killed all on the ship but did not find the little baby. The child survived the crash and lived there for a year on what she could find. One day the QueenMage herd that a ship had crashed in the Dark Empire and was from Benwick, so she went to find out. When she got to the ship she found the child and named her Lora. She took the child home and raised her to be a Lady. Lora soon took on the spot as the Lady in Waiting, and helped the Queen and became her friend. Later the Lady fell in love with Tristan De Hardy, and soon they where married, and now she stays with Scotland.

King Michael Of Scotland

Here is Sir Michael of Cawdor, Prince of Scotland. He is married to the Lady Nyssa Of Scotland, and has a child. He is very kind and respectful to others. And over all just a great person, to be around or with.

Shaketa Guardian Wolf of Benwick

This is our Wolf, also a guardian. She is a wonderful, and kind person. Always ready to help and to get things done.

Phoenix Starr of Benwick

Wow, so meny geat people in this Kingdom. This is Sir Phoenix, another wonderful and kind soul in this kingdom, and yet even better a warrior at that.

Prince Gren of Benwick

This is Prince Gren, Kaya and Galahad's adopted son. He is a wonderful person. He is in love with the Lady Drew of Scotland, should be fun to see.

Atlantican Ninja Divine

This is Divine, a great warrior, and just a fun guy to be around (just don't get him pissed off). He joined Atlantica resently, and has made his loyailty to the kingdom clear. He was just married recently. We wish him well.

King Falcon of Atlantica

This guy is also a good friend of Benwick. I think he looks scary, but he is a real nice guy when you meet him. Just be careful he is surronded by jelous women. I think he is to nice for his own good.

Terry The Lone Wolf Bogard

This is Terry. He hates water and hates it when his hat gets wet! Terry is a very sweet guy and isn't around that often. But if you see him be sure to get him wet for us all at Benwick!!!

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The Kingdom Of Scotland

The Kingdom Of Atlantica

The Kingdom Tristan

The Kingdom of Balatine