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All About Me!

Name: Kyra/Kara
Age: 23
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Chinese Year Sign: Usagi (rabbit)
Current Life Goal: To get a BS in Physics from UML.
Grade Level: Junior
ETG (Estimated Time of Graduation): May 2002
Favorite Color: Green or Red
Favorite Food: Anything I'm allergic to! ;)
Symbiote's (my hair) Favorite Food: generally anything metal, but especially bobby pins and *hot* soldering irons.
Owned by: Two ferrets, and lots of plants and Trees.
Current Responsibilities that I do since no one else will: President, Master's Gaming Konnection.
Current Hobbies: Role-playing, learning Japanese, watching far too much Anime, collecting Anime, Tai Chi Chu'an (Combined Form),Country Line Dancing, and Ferret spotting (This is a very dangerous hobby, it requires alot of patience and ability to forgive munch-ka-doodles when too slow to stop breakages. The elusive musculine speedbumpities are prone to sudden and unexpected activity with no warning... this behavior is better known as "The Ichy Dance")

Yes! I added "Under The Sea" to this page just so it can be stuck in your head ALL day! *grin* (actually, I thought this was a pretty good rendition considering its a midi!!

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