Gundam the Battle Master 2

Ultra Cool Mech fighting


Yep, this one is cool - unlike many reviews you may have read for this game (or not), I have not played the others or even seen any Gundam episodes... this game is still cool even if you don't follow the series.


I'll say it does not have movement in it's backgrounds - also I felt the character art during cut scenes was limited - a nice touch, but it is SNES game art - it could have been "anime" type art... still decent though.

One major part of this game is the damage a mech can take - I have not actually paid very close attention, but the mechs do have different levels of damage which alter the appearence of your fighter - sparks fly and armor is broken - I say I haven't paid much attention since it looked like the armor broke according to damage to areas attacked - rather than preset - meaning if your hit in an area enough -- like the leg, the leg will show damage - not the chest. Whether or not it "limits" use of the afflicted area is uncertain - it doesn't seem so.


It really ticks me off about the PSX controller - I am not graceful when it comes to controller use - meaning my thumb becomes rather raw after a while... Dual Shock is great, but I found I have to use the ASCII controller I have in order to really do damage. Responsive though - even in EASY there is a challenge - many of the mechs are pushovers, BUT each mech seems to have one enemy who can POUND them, so even in easy, it offers trouble... you can use your jump jets to fly above your enemy (some are 3x bigger than you) and it takes bursts - with limited flying time - especially for the bigger ones.


O.K. I don't know Japanese, but it is decent the way it unfolds.


Unlockable mechs -- I have about 16 to choose from (I think) anyhow for a 2D fighter it has plenty of well thought choices for mechs.


Pretty good - all english speech, sounds are pretty cool - music is O.K. a couple of cool tunes.

This is a very cool fighter for PSX - one of the best 2D on the system (that Saturn doesn't have) - if you want some really cool 2D for PSX, it's here.

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