Welcome!!! I felt it was about time I made a little shrine for this ultra cool game and character - SONIC the HEDGEHOG

I spent a lot of time playing Mario on Nintendo, then later tried SuperMario World on SNES... I was wanting a new system and one day went with my girlfriend at the time to visit her dad. He had a GENESIS -- What did I get to see??? SONIC!!!! The rest is history - Sonic became my favorite mascot - even to this day, don't get me wrong - I LOVE NIGHTS - I just have more Sonic games... I don't think I'll ever buy another Mario game again... I still like him, but Sonic stole my loyalty.

It is unfortunate that the United States turned it's back on a system MADE in the U.S.A. and a cool character like Sonic, he went to Japan - they loved him. Now SEGA is a JAPANESE System because they saved it. SEGA is still one of the greatest game companies ever to exist... they have a wider range of the market than any other - they excel in the arcade - Nintendo? They tried with Donkey Kong, but faded out... now they just co-produce if anything. They have home consoles - which, even not in first place - still manage to make people turn their heads and notice - NAMCO can't say that - nor ATARI (anymore)... They have moved into the computer gaming, internet, and online gaming, handheld, music, and toys. SEGA offers the public the most as far as gaming is concerned and offer new gaming technology such as add-ons and NetLink - if it weren't for that I would have never bought a computer later, it is an inexpensive way to enjoy the internet. The downside is that they lack support by programmers - which is changing rapidly with their next system... and SONIC WILL BE THERE!!!!

One more reason I love Sonic games is that they were never easy for me to beat - I am not very patient, but I have never beaten one of them yet... I cannot say the same for Mario. I wish that the ANIME for Sonic would come to the U.S. - It wouldn't be too hard, it is only a two tape OAV series. I suppose it isn't enough for a U.S. release though.

Here are pics of it...

If you didn't already know; SONIC JAM is a collection of the first 4 Sonic games. I wish it could have included SONIC CD, as I never was able to afford the cool CD add-on... it was just too expensive. It also doesn't include other Sonic games, like Kaotix or Spinball... It has many cool features in SONIC WORLD such as theater, which offers intros and commercials from Japan... Music Shop, where you can listen to the tunes... Picture Archive, these were not too great for me - it was a selection of lesser seen calander art or something. After having sold my Genesis - I was so happy to be able to get these games again!!! I now have a NOMAD, but I have few games for it.

There are some other really cool sites for Sonic found on the internet... I will add some soon in case anyone wishes to hear more about him.


Sonic Headquarters!!!

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© 1998 michabar@concentric.net

SONIC The HEDGEHOG Games, Characters, Music are all ©SEGA OF AMERICA/JAPAN

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